Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Three Things Thursday - Support!

Well, I had some many things to tell so it was tough to pick just 3!
So I will tell you about 3 important things to me and some of their recent developments.

SUPPORTing my HUSBAND- Within the last few weeks my husband has started a new routine. After about 3 months off from working out, he decided he wasn't happy. When he was combat-wounded in the Marine Corps, he was in the best shape of his life. 165 pounds, 4% body fat, if you know him (right now he is hanging onto 140 with dear life) back then, he was, well, a rock.
So he decided that cardio workouts weren't what he needed. We made him an appointment with the YMCA to be setup on their new ActiveTrax system, where he would warm up with cardio and then do weights, with the goal of adding some bulk back to his frame.
So, now, as I get up at 4am daily, I brew his coffee, prep his protein shakes, pack his lunch and wake him up before I head out. I am a morning person and he...well...ISN'T. I want to make this process as easy for him as possible. We are in the middle of week 3 and he's going strong. He takes one weekday am off and makes it up on Saturday. I am so proud of him and I want to support his goals as much as he has supported all of mine.

Being SUPPORTed by FRIENDS- I am so fortunate for my friends. I have made some major changes in my workout routines and running lately and having their support has meant the world to me. I don't know if they know how much sanity and peace they bring me, but I am thankful for each and every minute I spend with them. They make me stronger, they keep me honest and they are all in my heart. Some of them I see and/or talk to every day, others I do not get the time with that I would like...but let me say this - they know who they are, and I am thankful for each and every one of them.

SUPPORTing of myself - It's tough. I am my own worst critic. I expect the best of myself. Lately I have seen so many things so much clearer. I have seen my value, my goals and my spirit. I have realized that I am worthy of the good things in my life and that I need not waste time on the bad and the negative. Sometimes "cleaning" out the closets, so to speak, is difficult to start but immensely cleansing once it's done. I have decided to stop struggling over the worries I cannot control and focus that energy on positives and the future. It's been an amazing wake up call.

Run safe, run happy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday! (ok, ALMOST wordless...)

Pictures from ACAC Napier Sprint Tri 10-10-10
Look at me! I told Dr. G (my sponsor) I "look" fast! Whoo hoo!
Total action shot turned pose and poster model for AC!

Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sometimes Crying is a Good Thing....

I knew Saturday morning was going to be a challenge.
I had some demons to deal with and I would be dealing with them on a 20 mile run...alone...
Not "alone" because I was with 300+ other people, but alone.
I was running on Saturday instead of Sunday; I didn't have my usual running partners; and I was worried.
I have had some issues with this distance, I wasn't confident and frankly I felt this was a make or break run for me.
I went out not intending to run anything other than a pace where I was comfortable...
4 miles in and I was the front of the pack for the Novice running route.
When the Intermediates stayed straight on Grove and Novice's route turned on Maple, I was all alone.
Not. Another. Runner. In. Sight.
I had one pass me while running thru U of R, but that didn't matter.
I was smiling, I felt GREAT!
I rounded the ramp onto Riverside Drive, blew thru the SAG and soaked in some beautiful scenery.
Here I am around mile 9...

I was in my "zone" and I felt amazing.
12, 14, and 16 came easy and I knew - I knew I was doing well.
The Lee Bridge wasn't even bad, and that is a great sign.
As I glided thru Monroe Park I had a suspicion about was what happening...but I decided to wait to look.
As I turned the corner onto Boulevard for the final mile, all I could do was smile.
I hit the Sportsbackers Hill and started to slow down BUT I quickly served up a few choice curse words and hit it.
As I rolled into the stadium, a Plum coach approached me to ask if I was okay...
Apparently I was crying...
Then I tried to answer and couldn't speak - except in one word sentences - it went like this...
"Most - Prefect - Run - Ever..."
Yep, 20 miles...3 hours 5 minutes...PR and euphoric moment!!!
I did it. I ran in a pocket all alone, I ran well, I succeeded.
Worth every second!

Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Words about me for Wednesday...

I met my husband on - met Sept 18th, 2005, moved in together Nov 1st, 2005 and married Dec 31st, 2005...

I rarely sleep more than 5 hours a night....I can sleep when I'm dead.

I have a deep dislike of needles - except for the kind that give tattoos - I have 7 already and am planning #8 - sorry Mom :-(

If I had to be someone else for a day, I would be Lara Croft...she is bad ass and hot!

I cannot stand to leave the kitchen sink wet.

I haven't had 10 toe nails at the same time in almost 3 years.

I like the house cold - even in the winter - if I lived alone I would keep my thermostat at 57 degrees.

57 degrees for a reason - I am OBSESSED with odd numbers...can't leave the tv volume, a radio volume knob, etc on an even number, just can't!

I truly believe that had I not found running as my second true love (next to Bob) my past 250 pound weight would probably be over 300 now, or I would be dead. No doubt.

I am scared of the dark. Petrified.

If I became President, peanut butter would be made a food group.

I don't ever think my house is clean enough...

As much as I workout and eat well, I have never been happy with my body.

I don't feel sorry for people that don't want to help themselves, it's a choice, not a destiny BUT I WILL help anyone that is willing to do the work, it is a passion I have.

I don't get eyebrows...they are just weird...

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Paces - Maggie and I got our runs in this week. Sunday - 15 in the misty morning, out and backs are typically boring, especially when they are on one straight, long road...but we manage to make it fun between our talks, made up words, sight seeing, etc. Our 8 on Tuesday was fast - no training run, it was like a race...ended with the last mile pretty much at a 7:20m/m - and I admire anyone that can run that fast all the time! This morning's 7.5 was not as good - it was a training pace run and I was miserable and Maggie fell and twisted her ankle half way out - she hobbled in and I puttered in...thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day.

Faces - It's been a great vacation! Mom and Dad made it down for most of the week and Bever and Dennis joined Maggie and I for the entire week. Although it was sad that my hub and Lady Em had to go home Sunday, but I have actually relaxed! This is not something I do well. I do miss the faces that I see everyday - my hub, my fur kids and the friends that I normally see on an almost daily basis - these faces and spirits fuel me and I cannot wait to see them all again!

Places - the beach house was, in one word, decadent - simply extravagant. I didn't want for anything all week...8 bedrooms, 9 baths, huge kitchen, hot tub, pool and right on the beach...
OBX has a Harris Teeter, which we broke in quite well on grocery day AND let me tell you, Beach Road Grill @ 2519 S. Virginia Dare Trail - Mile Post 10.5 in Nags Head - it's a must.
These twin sisters that own it are from Hopewell, Va and their cook, Miss Carrie, well, let me just say this - HOME.MADE.FRIED.CHICKEN. - save it in your "rolodex" - between the friendly service, the warm and low key atmosphere and the awesome food, it won't disappoint. I wish we had found it sooner. 

Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday...almost...

If you haven't read about Faith...

Run safe, run happy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Slooooooooow moving target...

Have you ever felt like there is a slow moving target within site...
YET, you can't quite figure out what it is???
Like there is "something" there you should go do but you don't know what it is...
I have had this looming feeling for a while now, and I just can't place my finger on it.
I feel like there is something bigger, something greater out there - like a thing or a destiny that I can't see, although I am unsure what it is.
I have never been one to waiver on decisions in my life...
I knew my first marriage as wrong - I found my path!
I knew I needed a major career change, boom, I did it.
I decided I needed fitness in my life, now I can't go a day without it.
I saw a wonderful man - I went after him, and well, I got lucky.
So, now, here I am, at the best place I have ever been with myself but I feel like there is still something I am suppose to do...
That slow moving target is just plodding along, but I have yet to figure it out...
Any ideas?

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Tri - This weekend I have a race! A triathlon to be exact...and I.AM.SO.EXCITED!
Pink Power - all ladies...well, on!
Here's why...Beverley, Michelle, G (momof3), and T (RacingWithBabes) are all racing it too.
4 great ladies all at the same event - 3 of them are first time triathletes! Whoo-hoo!
Bev is nervous but I know she will do great, and Michelle, well nothing stops her. G - she is a VIP and sponsored by the same sponsor I am, and I know she is ready and will do fantastic, nothing stops this girl! And T, well, we all know she's an a$$ kicker, she'll probably place and take home hardware! Best thing of all...I am dressing the famous Dr. G for the race - he will be racing in DRAG! Look out ladies, he's gonna be so pretty!

Cry - Okay, it's been like 2 months since I had the plantar's wart frozen on the ball of my foot...and it's still not gone! It still hurts every time I run. Duct tape is on it all the time. SO, I bit the bullet today and scheduled my next appointment with the doctor...probably means cutting it if I get it cut out on Monday morning, I will TOTALLY be able to run on Tuesday morning, right? Hmmm...
Oh, bonus...while I am there, I get to get tested for Celiac's Disease. Apparently, because my sister and nephew have been diagnosed, I should be tested because if a sibling or parent has it, it's a 50/50 for me...GREAT, that would mean a gluten-free diet...sure am glad Carytown Cupcakes now makes GF treats! (happy Mom?) Love you!

High - Done pouting, on  to NUMBER 3! Some of you may have heard already BUT it's news that bares repeating! I pre-ordered my very own pair of Newton's Off Road trail shoes! I want to get them to have time to run some good and serious miles in them before the JFK50Mile in November! I am stoked to try them, and I would post a picture for a preview BUT what fun would that be? You know I am gonna post a picture the day they get here!

Happy Thursday!
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

About The Runs...

HA! Got ya, you thought I was going to talk about, well, my favorite subject...but no...
This really IS about the runs, my runs.
I was thinking as I was driving home today - about what I enjoy about running.
Sometimes people ask me how I do it, why I do it, what I get out of it.
First of all, there are few things I love more than a good, strong morning run. It's so invigorating and it's MINE!
Like this morning, I went out on a run with 40+ people, yet I ran "alone"...not because I had to, but because I just did today. I was in my zone, my "running bubble", and I loved every sweaty, hot, humid, dirty, hill-climbing second of it.
Sometimes, I run in a group like this and I talk the entire time with my "running husband" or another friend, or sometimes I introduce myself to someone new.
I love to take in the scenery on my runs...I hate running with headphones, I miss too much.
Like the sound of a fellow runner cheering me on, the "hello" of a pedestrian or just the simple peace and quiet of Mother Nature while everyone else is still in bed and I am stealing all the beauty of the morning right out from under their sleepy little noses.
Speaking of sites, I have seen some things on these runs..."ladies of the night" being dropped off, young girls making the walk of shame to their car, even a naked couple on a stairwell so wrapped up in themselves (literally) they didn't see or hear me.
But I have also seen bunnies making their way back to their homes cross my path, geese flying silently in formation across the sky and the pristine sunrise creeping over the city skyline and I pretend all of these things are just for me!
I coach about 10 months out of the year and I love it.
Seeing someone new to running find their space, pace and place and I am part of that memorable experience. Watching a runner aim for and reach a goal, even a tiny one, is amazing!
I share a lot of my runs with Judy and Maggie and we have seen some sights too...stinky hoarder houses, snakes (dead and alive) or roads covered with fresh snow and we are the first footsteps on that path.
We've dodged snow plows, cyclists, angry drivers and, well other runners. Again, these are all things I treasure. We have been on runs where we laughed, cried, cursed and struggled.
All memories, all worth it.
I have found money, clothes, injured people and LOTS of chicken bones?
Why are there so many random chicken bones just layin' around?
Anyhoo, I digress...
What it all boils down to is this...
I run because I can...
I run for me...
...and I LOVE IT.
What is one of your favorite running sights or memories?

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 Things Thursday! - Partners!

My two favorite running girls, Judy and Maggie, have been gone since Friday...I miss them beyond words!
They both will be home this weekend and we get to run/coach on Sunday and then go to breakfast and catch up and things will feel "normal" again. Funny how a slight change in what you are use to makes you feel so lost in a way!

My Seal Team running "husband" has been off running to nurse an injury since 3 weeks ago and gone the last 2 weeks from Seal Team all together for work trips...he is a good guy. The kind of guy that a girl appreciates as a friend. He tolerates my need for an escort for my "morning potty trips", my talk of anything completely unimportant or silly but most of all he is just himself. I have missed my friend. Good news - he comes back Monday. Bad news - I have gotten stronger and faster! Whoo!

My husband, yes the real one, the one that has to tolerate me all the time...good or bad, happy or sad. He has been working his butt off work and here at our home. I do not think I could have married a harder working, more loving and devoted man. I am lucky.

Plain and simple 3 things...but sometimes the simple things mean a lot.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Time for a photo run - mile by mile!

My SUNday, RUNday, FUNday!

T at Racing With Babes posted a cool blog a few weeks ago that I have wanted to try…Sunday worked out to be that day. Yay!

The idea was to give your “view” of your run at each mile marker. Normally, for my long runs, I am carrying a handheld hydration bottle in one hand and directions and/or a towel in the other so I do not dare try to add a camera into the mix. But Sunday was only a 7 mile run and I opted for no fluid since the SAG stop was at 3.5, so I grabbed my iPhone and got ready!

Here I am before the start… I was sporting my new BondiBand courtesy of Ms. Amy D! The "Om Nom Nom" with a shark!

Mile marker 1! Trudging along with the Pink Nation peeps through the fan...beautiful morning!

Mile 2 came quick - I was feeling really good and I love an early morning city run!
Mile 3
 Such a pretty neighborhood and I love looking at all the houses and imagining which one I could live in, what our yard would be like...would the dogs be happy there...
Mile 4
What? Already? Some people find this stretch of Patterson to be boring...I love it, especially crossing over the highway and waving to the cars passing by...I love open road!

Mile 5
The Museum District - still peaceful onthis Sunday morning - quiet and lovely!

Mile 6!Darn it...almost home base...the corner of Boulevard and Monument! A spot vistited many times over our 23 weeks of training...always know there is only 1 mile left from here.

Home base......back at the stadium. Another GREAT Pink Nation run under my belt. And note to G of Momof3 - I sported the Cheetah skirt in your honor today since you were away at the "Cat Shelter".

Hope you enjoyed my run as mucha s I did or at least just a little.
Run safe, run happy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Savory Saturday!

Here they 3 new recipes of the week. Courtesy of
I cooked each of these this week. I have posted the name of the dish, my commentary, my picture then the posted picture, description and recipe.

Healthified Indian-Spiced Beef Patties with Cucumber Sauce
Feedback: This was YUM. I grilled the burgers a bit longer than I should have, so it just would have been better if they were a bit less done. It was filling and tasty. I served it with a side of Tandori Na'an, a cucumber, heirloom tomato and onion salad and steamed spinach. The cucumber yogurt sauce really makes this dish!
My meal picture:

Wander outside of the bun and serve these internationally inspired burgers with flat bread, naan, or pita bread.
Prep Time:15 min
Start to Finish:30 min
makes:2 servings

1/2 cup Yoplait® plain yogurt
1/3 cup chopped, seeded cucumber
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
2 tablespoons finely chopped, seeded fresh jalapeño chile pepper
1 tablespoon snipped fresh mint or 1 teaspoon dried mint, crushed
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon salt
8 ounces 90% lean ground beef ( I used 96% lean ground beef)
Indian flat bread (optional)

1.For sauce: In a small bowl, stir together yogurt and cucumber. Cover and chill until serving time.

2.In a medium bowl, combine onion, jalapeño pepper, mint, cumin, garlic, and salt. Add ground beef; mix well. Form beef mixture into two 3/4-inch-thick patties.

3.For a charcoal grill, place patties on the rack directly over medium coals. Grill, uncovered, for 14 to 18 minutes or until patties are done (160F), turning once. If desired, serve patties on flat bread. Spoon cucumber sauce over patties.

4.Note: The internal color of a burger is not a reliable doneness indicator. A beef or pork patty cooked to 160?F is safe, regardless of color. To measure the doneness of a patty, insert an instant-read thermometer through the side of the patty to a depth of 2 to 3 inches.

*Nutritional Information
1 burger plus 1/3 cup sauce: Calories 250 (Calories from Fat 110); Total Fat 12g (Saturated Fat 4 1/2g, Trans Fat 1/2g); Cholesterol 75mg; Sodium 420mg; Total Carbohydrate 9g (Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 6g); Protein 27g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 6%; Vitamin C 15%; Calcium 15%; Iron 15% Exchanges: 0 Other Carbohydrate; 1/2 Skim Milk; 0 Vegetable; 3 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 1/2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Healthified Orange Pork and Pineapple on the Grill
Feedback: Wow! I was surprised by this one. I am not typically the type that likes fruit with my main course, but Bob loves pineapple so I tried it. I served it over rice noodles and with a side of asparagus.
My meal picture:

Here’s a Polynesian-inspired recipe you’ll turn to all summer long. It’s luscious and ready in just 20 minutes.
Prep Time:5 min
Start to Finish:20 min
makes:4 servings

4 boneless top loin pork chops, cut 3/4 inch thick (about 1 1/4 pounds total)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 fresh pineapple, peeled and cored
3/4 cup Yoplait® plain fat-free yogurt
1/3 cup low-sugar orange marmalade
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped toasted pecans
1 tablespoon snipped fresh thyme

1.Sprinkle both sides of pork chops with salt and pepper. Cut pineapple crosswise into eight 1/2-inch-thick slices; set aside. Combine yogurt and 2 tablespoons of the marmalade; set aside.

2.For a charcoal grill, grill chops on the rack of an uncovered grill directly over medium coals for 4 minutes. Turn; add pineapple to grill. Brush chops and pineapple with remaining marmalade. Grill 3 to 5 minutes more or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in pork registers 160°F and pineapple has light grill marks, turning pineapple once.

3.Arrange pineapple and chops on serving plates. Spoon yogurt mixture over chops and pineapple; sprinkle with nuts and thyme.

4.Cost-Saving Tip: Instead of using a peeled fresh pineapple from the produce section of the grocery store, use a 15.25-ounce can pineapple slices (juice pack)—it contains 8 slices, perfect for 4 servings.

*Nutritional Information
1 pork chop, 2 pineapple slices, plus sauce, pecans, and thyme: Calories 320 (Calories from Fat 60); Total Fat 7g (Saturated Fat 2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 95mg; Sodium 240mg; Total Carbohydrate 28g (Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 23g); Protein 35g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 2%; Vitamin C 110%; Calcium 10%; Iron 8% Exchanges: 1 Fruit; 1 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 5 Very Lean Meat; 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Healthified Sesame Beef and Green Beans
Feedback: This was tasty...of course Bob barked at the green beans and asked for broccoli next time, but I liked it!
My meal picture:

Create a stir-fry for dinner tonight—no wok needed! Just use a large nonstick skillet to pull together this delicious, citrusy dish.
Prep Time:10 min
Start to Finish:30 min
makes:4 servings

12 ounces Green Giant® frozen whole green beans, partially thawed and halved crosswise
1/2 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel
Nonstick cooking spray
1/2 cup bias-sliced green onions
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon canola oil
12 ounces boneless beef sirloin steak, trimmed of fat and thinly sliced
2 cups hot cooked brown rice
2 teaspoons sesame seeds, toasted
2 oranges, peeled and sectioned or thinly sliced crosswise

1.In a covered medium saucepan, cook green beans in a small amount of boiling water for 5 to 7 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain; set aside.

2.For sauce: In a small bowl, combine orange juice, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, cornstarch, and orange peel; set aside.

3.Coat an unheated large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Preheat over medium-high heat. Add green onions, ginger, and garlic to hot skillet; cook and stir for 1 minute. Add the precooked green beans; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove vegetables from skillet.

4.Carefully add canola oil to the hot skillet. Add beef; cook and stir about 3 minutes or until desired doneness. Remove from skillet.

5.Stir sauce; add to skillet. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly; cook and stir for 2 minutes more. Return meat and vegetables to skillet. Heat through, stirring to coat all ingredients with sauce. Serve over hot cooked brown rice. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. Serve with orange sections.

*Nutritional Information
1 1/4 cups: Calories 360 (Calories from Fat 100); Total Fat 11g (Saturated Fat 2 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 50mg; Sodium 350mg; Total Carbohydrate 43g (Dietary Fiber 7g, Sugars 11g); Protein 24g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 20%; Vitamin C 110%; Calcium 10%; Iron 25% Exchanges: 2 Starch; 1/2 Fruit; 0 Other Carbohydrate; 1/2 Vegetable; 2 Very Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 3

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Hope you try and enjoy!
Run safe, run happy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Race Memories...

I have seen posts about bling, bibs, albums, I decided to share with you the contents of a tupperware bin in my workout room and a few other things.

I save race bibs - really, I do...upstairs, tucked away in a Rubbermaid dishwashing bin is SOME of my savings from the last 5 years. Here they are:

Okay, I know, I have a few and I don't NEED them, but I want to keep them. Each one means something to me. Whether it be my first race, a team event I did with a friend, a race I never imagined I could complete..they all have meaning.

I have some bling too...shame is I dont evenknow where all of them are some of them:
I think I hear Lady Em breathing heavy (she's a self-proclaimed medal ho!)

I have been in the paper - ok, The Mechanicsville Local, but its still in print!
The question is - what do I do with all of this stuff?

I have framed my first 4 mararthons' pics, bibs and medals...(see 2 of them below)
But what do I do with all the rest?
Okay, this started as a blog to share and now it's a question needing an answer.
Any ideas?
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Trips - I have been looking over my race calendar and I get 2, let me say it again, T-W-O, race trips with Judy and Maggie this fall...YAY! MCM (Marine Corps Marathon) October 31st...and JFK 50 Mile the weekend of November 20th. I love, love, love my trips with these girls! Between Mom Judy taking care of us and me and Maggie staying up late, I always have fond memories of our times whether at home or on the road.

Chips - I let peanut butter back in the house and it's KILLING me. My secret obsession is standing in the kitchen, a spoon full of JIF and a bag of chips...any chips, I DO NOT discriminate! I could stand there all fav is Tostitos. Enough said!

Nips - Sorry guys (and Mom and Dad), but it had to be said...What is it about nipples? Yes, I have them and they are "always on", high beams that is...but I KNOW THIS. Yet for some reason, people feel the need to "point" this out to me, as if I don't already know. They are just nipples - attached to - guess what - BOOBS - every other person in the world has boobs and some men do too. Seriously, I had a conversation about this topic this week with a friend and fellow bloggie bud...I don't need them pointed out. I know I can put an eye out in a Bikram Hot Yoga class at 20 paces. Can't we just get past this?
Oh, and my eyes...they are up HERE!

Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

Guess who got accepted to the 48th Annual JFK 50 Mile Race Saturday, November 20, 2010?
ME! (and Judy and Maggie, of course!)

Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Running from Maggie...

Ever had one of "those" runs?
One that leaves you on a high
That was me on Sunday...I had it - the awesome run - thanks to Maggie.
It was a coaching run, and we were running a route with a few sketchy spots and a lot of turns, but next to the Industrial Route, this is one of my favs!
I started out just warming up and some how ended up in front with Coach Dan.
He decided to peel back at Blvd and Broad and told me to keep lead.
I looked at my Garmin and looked over my shoulder and saw the "pack" - those ambitious novice MTT runners and they were following me. I knew Maggie was a bit back, not because she is slow - NO WAY.
But mentally I used this to take and keep the front spot....I used her..I was "Running from Maggie".
As much as I love, love, love running with her, I decided then, at the corner of Blvd and Monument, I wasn't going to see her until the Stadium post-run. Period.
I felt in the groove, alone and being followed - I made my way down Monument, clip-clop, bam-bam, go my turnover was on spot and I was feeling it.
What was I feeling? I was feeling a euphoric high, I felt powerful and relaxed at the same time.
My mind and body were in unison, and to quote G, I was "having fun".
I got a "God Bless" and an "I love you" from some street dwellers, smelled some not-so-nice street smells and I felt every ounce of the humid air on my face but most of all, I felt alive!
I threw in some tempo sprints and kept hold of a strong pace in the 8-8:30 range and the hills downtown were blissfully tasty (you know I love to eat me some hills for breakfast)!
As I rounded the turn for the final mile stretch to the Stadium, I realized I had done it -
I was completing a perfect run.
Running from Maggie - she made my day and she didnt even know it until later...
Thank you Maggie!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Swim Report – Rockett’s Landing Olympic Tri (or shall we say Try?)

This is a little late, but better late than never, right.

Last Sunday I did an Olympic distance Triathlon – which for me, because of the swim distance, is a feat in itself…
Pair that with the weather – um, well 80 degrees and 100% humidity at 530am, you can begin to understand it was H-O-T.
My biggest reason for choosing this race was because it would be my “attempt” at an against current swim in open water – 1.5 kilometers, over half being against the current of the James.
I had great support on the course race day. Hubby Bob came with me and Maggie, Emily and Kevin were racing, Sue was there for Chris’s race BUT I got to borrow her as a cheerleader as well, AND to make it XTRA SPECIAL, Hot “momof 3” was working the race so I would get the treat of seeing her somewhere out there.
(Me, Maggie and Lady Em post race)
The river, although I had been in it several times before, looked particularly daunting and nasty that morning AND being in the last wave (why do they always make the 40+ women go last?) was the cherry on top. So I am going into this not only worrying I won’t make the swim cut off of 70 minutes but also I have the added bonus of possibly being the absolute LAST person out of the water PERIOD.
With everyone being uber-supportive and my stomach not having issues for once, I decided I was okay with both of those options. It is what it is and it will be whatever it will be.
So in I went, found myself a nice little spot where I wouldn’t get kicked (or so I thought) snuggled in and waited for the whistle.
Off I went. My strategy was, well, not to have a strategy. Rather to just go out, swim at a comfortable pace, keep my breathing gentle and not panic – all of those things plus I added in a little singing and hollering “Om Nom Nom” like a shark, as well as chit-chatting a hello and thank you to the kayakers that were there to save me if I started drowning.
The water was warm and stinky and it didn’t help to read the sign about being below the sewage line and how we could be swimming in waste - but all in all it wasn’t going bad. I made it to the first yellow buoy, where I could turn right and start my voyage back in (with current) in just over 25 minutes.
Wow! I was pretty amazed. That was giving me 45 minutes before cutoff and I was already on my way back! I was extremely happy and I also basked in the glory of knowing there were at least 10 people behind me.
I was utilizing 3 of the strokes I knew… breast, free, and side, and I was rotating through them as not to wear myself completely out. I wasn’t speedy but I was consistent.
As I passed the last red buoy and started angling towards the exit dock, I realized how well I had done on time. Out of the water in 41:07! I.WAS.THRILLED! As you can see by my expression in this very unflattering photo…(lucky for you, I edited out the rest of my body, ugh!)
…and as I ran by a family in the swim exit area, I told their little girl of 4, “learn to swim now, don’t wait til you are old like I did!”

BUT, I did it…that was HUGE!

The rest of the race was good…sweltering but fun. I guess I shouldn’t call it a race because in that heat and after that swim, my only goal was to finish feeling healthy and not pass out.

I did both.

Bonuses for me that day:
1. My husband seeing me finish a race (hardly ever happens)
2. Having Maggie and Emily on course with me (although I never saw either of them during their portions of the race)
3. Sue being there to cheer me on
4. Seeing both Chris’s on the course
5. Seeing momof3 – at the very furthest out water stop out on the course – right at the base of the Mayan Ruins hill…what a treat to see her and get some supportive words from a friend! That is also where I got to meet, albeit briefly, Dave!

It was a good day and I finished delirious – but I finished happy and having fun!

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Date - I have a "date" today! A lunch date...with a super cool girl named G.  She has been wanting to expand her food tastes and I am always willing to help others try new food! Recently her H and I introduced her to sushi and, well, I am happy to report - she LOVED it.  I gave her the choice for tomorrow of sushi repeat, Indian or Vietnamese - she chose Vietnamese! Yay! So today around noon a super hot chic is picking me up for a cool lunch date on a humid day! Can't wait!

Wait - And wait, and wait...Judy, Maggie and I entered the lottery for another shot at the JFK50Miler. They collected entries from July 10th - 20th, to be pulled on the 21st. SO...we kept checking ALL DAY Wednesday for the update to see if we were lucky enough to be chosen again. Well, still no news...pout. All we can do is wait...

Fate - Ah, Sunday I attempt my first open water, against current swim in a Triathlon. It's 1.5k or just over a mile...and I am N-E-R-V-O-U-S! I launch at 7:06am, 3 minutes after my dear friend CM (in the male 40+ category) and he is going to feign a cramp and wait for throw his chance to place to swim beside me and encourage me through my fears and worry. I have 70 minutes to avoid a DQ (disqualified) where if I don't make it, I will not get to go on to bike and run. I won't give up. Cross your fingers.

Run safe, run happy! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

If you were paying attention, you know why I need this today...
Run safe, run happy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Inspiration!

She may not always be fast...but she is fine with that.
She may not always be graceful...she can fall on flat ground but get up and dust herself off smiling.
But this girl INSPIRES me and has almost every day since I met her.
I met her on a Saturday group run that I coach at the DTY...
I could tell the moment she walked up that I liked her.
Her spirit is warm and infectious...
Her heart she wears on her sleeve.
If she is faced with a challenge, she tackles it head on with grit and gusto.
With her logical mind she thinks and "kneads" her thoughts thoroughly.
She has a wicked sense of humor and a gleam in her eye that makes you wonder what she might be up to.
I am glad to call her my friend.
Who is she?
If you are ever around her, she is the one you will be immediately drawn to and glad that you were.
Thank you S.R....THANK YOU for inspiring ME!
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Beat Feet – How does anyone that runs have nice feet? I don’t get it. I see quite a few feet and I seem to be in the minority – I HAVE UGLY FEET! Why can’t I have pretty, smooth foot with nice toenails (I rarely even have 10 toenails) – let alone have feet that are presentable in sandals!

Not So Neat – My house is a MESS right now…seriously, a mess. Seems that a certain person (my hub) now feels that since we are not moving, he needs to rearrange, redecorate or rebuild every room in the house. What started as a simple one-room project list has now blown up in to full on CHAOS!
Not to mention, he is not the best and matching or coordinating and so every single item moved is a tug-o-war as I try to prevent the house from looking like a blind mind arranged the furniture and rugs.

Tires To Street – I am guessing I need to get Trina down from the roof of the garage…I have a race in less than two weeks and haven’t ridden her but twice this calendar year. Emily can’t ride-ride right now, Dawn is super busy and I hate riding alone…race day is going to be interesting! Maybe I should invest in some training wheels.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

The best of both worlds! Peeps sushi!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I do love my husband, but...

Do you know someone that has this infliction?
Please, don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I know he works hard...BUT...
Yep, but..
It seems like any time he does something around the house other than eat, sleep, sit, watch TV, etc.,
he has to come and proudly announce "the list" of things he has done - WTH???
Is this a man thing? (not man-bashing guys, just asking?)
The other day he walked into the room with an empty laundry basket BEAMING!
"I put my clean clothes away!" - I know I looked stunned because all I could think was "really? I sorted, washed, dried, folded and put away 4 loads of laundry yet didnt get a prize..."
Double sigh.
Just curious, is there a vaccine for this or something?
Maybe I should call GlaxoSmithKline or Pfizer, I might be on to something...
Uh oh, gotta go, he just finished mowing and I need to be prepared for the announcement! ;-)
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Three Things Thursday!?!

I have a date tonight...ok, so my husband and I have a date, but I look at it as MY date...with G... (nofsahmof3)..I L-O-V-E her...and even thoough I have to share her with 2 boys, I am happy for the time together! Are you jealous?

My brother in law, neice and nephew leave on Saturday for LIVE there...for 3-5 years (sigh). My neice asked if I would help her with healthy meal plans once she is there and settled. I get it, she is growing up and starting to want some control. I am proud of her and honored she asked me for help. I am thinking of a public website to post meal ideas and share as I have had a few requests for recipes based of my picture posts of meals on FaceBook. What do you think?

I have planted the seed of a pool in the yard...I have been sneaky and I THINK it is working...slowly, but has made the "maybe" list from the "no" list. I am good. Plan is in action, fingers are crossed. Wanna come to my pool party?

Did I mention I have a date tonight?

Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

LOL DOG...I know exactly how you feel...
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Sometimes I want to be mad at my husband, just want to be mad...
...but...he just makes it so hard...sometimes...
Like the other day, he comes home from shopping at TJ Maxx and he walks in and says,
"You know how you are always looking for a wash cloth? Well, here - I bought us some!"
and out of the bag he whips a bundle of wash cloths, tied with a white satin bow - AND -
they are YELLOW!
Our master bath is orange and brown and white? Our hall bath is dark plum and black and white?
Yes, yellow. But how can I be mad or not happy or...he thought to buy me wash cloths.
Beautiful yellow wash cloths.
Okay...yellow...I don't get it, but I do.

Run safe, run happy!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Oops, so we will do it again...maybe...

So, this is's that time of year.
The time of year that a little apllication hits the internet for download, filling out and overnighting...
Then its wait and see.
What is this application you ask?
Well it's the application for the JFK 50 Miler! we go again.
Judy, Maggie and I all decided on Wednesday morning amid a string of crazy and flying emails that we would enter the lottery for a second chance at getting picked to run the JFK 50 Miler again.
Last year was our first time and it was a day (a whole entire day) to remember.
Then afterwards, while hooked to saline IV's eating greasy cheeseburgers and fries, we said "maybe" again...then we said "no, let's find something else"...
and Wednesday we said "let's do it!"
Why not?
We all 3 have the desire and the drive...
We have a great team dynamic, always supportive, ready to pickup or push each other when needed...
We have the most amazing support crew (yep, our Gear Boys - Bob and Steve)...
And most of all, we just plain want to.
Here we are last year in the gym before the start and 11 and 42 minutes later upon finishing...

Hopefully we will be selected in the lottery and will have even better pictures this year.
Maybe I could even bribe my parents to come out and cheer us on???
Cross your fingers, we will find out July 21st (so I havent told Bob yet...why tell him before we know for sure?)

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three Things Thursday - Heat, sheets and well, bling?

I like it cold in the house – the colder the better. I would be completely happy setting the thermostat at 58 degrees year ‘round. The heat here has been bad and our AC was jacked…Sunday night when we were cooking dinner in the house it was 80 degrees…INDOORS. I was mean and crabby because of it and had been complaining for 2 weeks to my hub that there was obviously something wrong with our AC… he was trying to blame it on my period (typical male response) but he was wrong…I was a) in my own house, b) it was HOT, c) I was not comfortable, d) therefore I was grumpy and pissed.  I guess my “wonderful mood” Sunday night finally made it thru to him because he had the AC guy come out at 8pm Monday night. His name was Jay – I heart him so – the coils were dirty and we were 2 pounds short on Freon. By 9pm I was already feeling it – it was pure heaven!

Thread Count Matters – The hubby decided about a week ago that we needed a new comforter set in te master bedroom. He didn’t like the “slippery” material of the one we had and there was a tear in it – which he said was from the dogs but I know it was from the comforter tug-o-war we play at night when he hogs all the covers and I work on my biceps yanking them back to my side. To the point, I found a comforter set on Sunday – and it was on sale! $240 marked down one day to $59.99…SOLD! So since I saved so much, I decided to spring for good sheets. I have not had sheets under 300 count ever – I think they feel like sandpaper…and I think the ones we had were in the 450 range. Well, I found some heavenly 620 count. I tried to explain the whole thread count thing to the hubby, but seeing would be easier than just believing. Monday morning, when I woke him up at 8am, I asked him “how did you sleep?” he replied “It was like sleeping in a hotel bed…a good hotel!” He doesnt sleep muc or well, so this made me very happy!

Jewelry hates me – I wear the same jewelry ALL the time, except for on formal or special occasions where I might wear costume jewelry. 3 months ago I lost my wedding band…that plain sucks. I have looked everywhere to no avail. A week before vacation, I was getting the groceries out of the bottom basket of my cart and my diamond pendant (wedding gift from hubby on our wedding day) caught on the basket, the chain broke, the diamond shot across the store…luckily I found it, but I have had no chain for it so I had kept it in my jewelry box. 2 days ago, as I was blow drying my hair, I feel something hit my foot. It was one of my diamond earrings (another wedding gift from hubby) – the screw on back apparently decided to leave without warning, probably down the drain…so now I had no wedding ring, no necklace, no earrings…
Wednesday after work I hit Jared's for replacement parts and pieces. Got the earring back - check, got a new 20" chain - check, text the husband that the replacement cheap band would be $250 - um, your guess? Yep "We will keep looking". Two outta three ain't too shabby.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

81, 81 and 82 years old...what inspired YOU today?

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

One – A bruised tail bone takes for-e-ver to heal…I bruised mine on the very first day in Dominica and it still hurts. How can something as useless as your butt bone hurt so badly for so long. But on one of the sites that talks about what you can do for healing, I found this most hilarious…”in addition, a physician may suggest eating foods high in fiber as well as drinking plenty of fluids to avoid constipation”…Haha, they obviously don’t know me and that my friends call me “Poopicus”.

Two – I get to be in a hair show – how exciting! My fabulous hair stylist extraordinaire asked me to be one of her hair models for a show in August! 4 fun hours of having my hair brushed and styled and “did”! I will definitely get and post pictures!

Three – It’s unofficially official…Lola is going to be replaced. I am a bit sad because I love her so…she has been through so much with me…good times, bad times, garage doors, etc. She doesn’t know yet, but I have a feeling once I pull into the car lot his weekend for test drives, she might have a clue.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Figs or Free...a dilemma.

So I am on my last night in Dominica, it's not late but everyone is sleeping, so I blog.
I have a bit of a dilemma on my hands...or shall I say, my feet.
Back in March, I bought a pair of Newton's...again...rekindling a romance with performance from two years earlier.
Two weeks ago, before leaving for this trip, on a whim I bought a pair of Nike Free's.
I admit it was an impulse purchase based solely on wanting to say I have them, but I also really did think they wold be a great alternate of the Newton's on non-run option mornings of SealTeam .
So I tried them on a Monday SealTeam...cautious, went out slow...but nothing but heaven!
Wednesday brought a repeat as well as that Friday, an awesome workout.
So I saw and felt what they could do in X-Training, but the real test was yet to come.
Once I was to the island this week, I had planned out my workout schedule, run days, and X-Training.
I decided to try a run day in the Free's...5 miles on the hilly terrian and roads of Dominica.
Um, wow!
So all week my Newton's sat quietly on the closet shelf along with my orthotics.
I haven't worn either in over a week...and it hasn't bothered me or my knees.
So as I prepare to return to reality, I wonder what will happen once I am home.
Free's or Fig's for runs?

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Three Things Thursday...

So I am blogging from Dominica, about 1600 miles from home...
Here is my Three Things Thursday!

One - what I have discovered - an amazing respect for the life one leads in an undeveloped third world country. Simple isn't the word. Nothing about the lives lived here by "average" citizens is simple. They have to work for everything. There is no tv, ac, radio, running water or electricity in the majority of houses (and I use the term houses loosely). This island is so clean, even though most residents live far below what we at home would consider the poverty line. Family is important and children grow up fast. Think of a 3 and 5 year old walking to school along the edge of a road unchaperoned, if that happened at home, the parents would be in jail. Animals are lucky to be born healthy and are mostly left to heal with on their own with any injury they might get. Strangers are not all bad, in fact, most here I have come across are more than happy to lend a hand for nothing more than the human interaction and a smile.

Two - what I love - waking up to a fanscinating sunrise and only the sounds of nature. Running through the streets and hearing nothing but the sound of my own steps and the hello's of those I pass by. How it can rain one minute (literally) and then everything is dry the next. The beauty of nature, untouched by man, and how it gives me goosebumps to think I might have been the first person to set foot on that very spot of land.

Three - what I miss - I miss my family and friends. I miss waking up to my two fur kids snuggled in my bed. I miss being able to have ice whenever I want it. I miss peanut butter and popcorn and green olives.

Still, I think I have found this to be the best and most rewarding trip so far for me.
More later, the plunge pool is calling...

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Three Things Thursday...

I wore my new Nike Free's Wednesday am to workout at Belle Isle.
I was skeptical going in, decided to hold back a bit, wondering and waiting for an issue or discomfort.
I waited.
And waited.
I loved them.
No socks, no discomfort, felt like no shoe...Free.

Not so Free...PLEASE.
Okay, this is a bit of a sensitive subject but I have never been one to hold back.
Bras for the girls.
I won't point fingers, or anything else (LOL) but please, although none of you read my blog, I hope someone tells you.
And especially to the one that wears NO bra, you are doing yourself, nor us, any favors.
Even when I didn't have much of a chest, I made sure that everything was in it's place. It can't be comfortable. And it isn't comfortable to look at either.

Free at Last...
Yep, don't cry for me.
Friday begins a wonderful type of freedom for me.
A dream vacation to a sparsely populated island in the middle of nowhere.
7 days and 7 nights of unscheduled, uncharted fun, adventure and relaxation.
Don't worry, the running shoes and Camelbak are packed - gu's and gels, etc and I have even threatened to attempt to run the perimeter of the island. Full report on my return...

Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...

Soon enough...

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Friday Inspiration – and I don’t even watch baseball!

I don’t follow sports, I don’t even care for sports really…unless I am involved, but even I was touched by this story. Not necessarily for what it meant to baseball, but for the exemplary example of sportsmanship displayed not 1 but 2 men, either of whom before Thursday morning’s news, I had ever even heard of.

"With the most heartbreaking missed call in baseball history, Jim Joyce gave official proclamation to the 2010 baseball season: welcome to The Year of the Umpire.

Joyce happened to be working first base Wednesday night in Detroit for the game between the Tigers and the Indians when infamy did not just tap him on the shoulder, it slapped him upside the head. Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga had just thrown the 21st perfect game in baseball history, and a ridiculous third perfecto inside of four weeks, when first baseman Miguel Cabrera threw to him covering first base on a grounder by Jason Donald for the 27th out. Cabrera celebrated. Only one thing was missing.

Jim Joyce called Donald safe.

There is no polite way to say this: Joyce blew the call. Galarraga caught the ball in plenty of time, even if it wedged precariously in the webbing of his glove, and scraped the base, even if inelegantly, with his foot. Immortal fame was his.

Jim Joyce took it away. He called Donald safe. No sign that Galarraga juggled the ball. No sign that he missed the base. Just safe. Pure and simple safe.

Umpires miss calls. It happens. Nobody feels worse when an umpire misses a call than the umpire himself. They are proud men who strive for a 100 percent success rate and are bound to be disappointed. Upon seeing a replay, Joyce was crushed.

"I just cost that kid a perfect game," the umpired admitted afterward. "I thought he beat the throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay."

It was a classy move by Joyce, who also apologized to Galarraga personally. The pitcher told a Venezuelan reporter that Joyce was crying when he offered him his apology.

"He really feel bad. He probably feel more bad than me," Galarraga told Fox Sports Detroit. "Nobody's perfect, everybody's human. I understand. I give a lot of credit to the guy saying, 'Hey, I need to talk to you because I really say I'm sorry.' That don't happen. You don't see an umpire after the game say 'I'm sorry.'"

Yankees closer Mariano Rivera, after seeing a replay of the call Wednesday night at Yankee Stadium, said of about Joyce, "It happened to the best umpire we have in our game. The best. And a perfect gentleman. Obviously, it was a mistake. It was a perfect game. It's a shame for both of them, for the pitcher and for the umpire. But I'm telling you he is the best baseball has, and a great guy. It's just a shame."

And though Joyce became the story, Galarraga still achieved his own kind of fame that must never be forgotten. The man threw a perfect game and had it ripped out of his hands -- and yet he responded with grace and professionalism, a wry smile and the remarkable cool to climb right back up on the mound and get the 28th out. Galarraga should be remembered for not what he lost, but for what he gained: a place in posterity as sportsmanship personified.

While angry Tigers swarmed around the umpire after the final out and boos rained down from the Comerica Park fans, Galarraga stayed calm.
"I don't blame them a bit or anything that was said," Joyce said. "I would've said it myself if I had been Galarraga. I would've been the first person in my face, and he never said a word to me."

The life of Jim Joyce is changed forever, for having had the rotten luck of making the wrong call at the wrong time. Armando Galarraga walks away with a smile after umpire Jim Joyce (right) called Jason Donald safe with two outs in the ninth, ending Galarraga's bid for a perfect game.”

So – I really teared up over this story - here’s a man, walking away from the umpire that made a bad call and took away his chance at a place in the record books, yet he still has a smile on his face!
And behind him stands a man who was big enough to admit it and sincerely apologize.

Thank you both, so often sportsmanship, professionalism and just plain grace is lost in a world where salaries, fame and egos often outshine the game and what it means…thank you for reminding me yet again what “For Love of The Game” means…

Whatever your “game” is – running, cycling, baseball or whatever, I hope you too love it for all the right reasons.

Run safe, run happy!