Friday, February 26, 2010

Am I tough enough???

Well, it's official...I will be competing in the "Tough Mudder" on May 2nd...
What is the Tough Mudder you ask?
"Tough Mudder is the TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring spirit-crushing road race. Our 7 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all-round toughness, strength, stamina, fitness, camaraderie and mental grit. Forget about your race time, simply completing the event is a badge of honor. Not everyone will finish, but those who do make it to our post-race party will have truly earned the right to call themselves a Tough Mudder."
It's a 7 mile course with 17 obstacles...everything from straw covered fields soaked in kerosene full of flames up to 4 feet high, under water tunnels, quad-ripping switchbacks and more. Click here to see the course and obstacle descriptions.
Crazy? Maybe. Am I excited? Yes!
So far in our group there are 12 of us committed, only 3 girls including me, one nicknamed "House of Pain" - she is an Instructor at Seal Team, tiny but tough and I am happy to be racing with her.
There is also a costume contest so I am thinking of going ultra girly and pretending to be surprised when I realize I am going to get dirty...I am taking suggestions for my outfit but I am thinking a special pink and white ensemble, although I know it will never come clean after, but what the heck, you only live once, right?
I knew I wanted to do this race the moment I saw the website. And the fact that very few women do it made me want to do it even more.
I don't care if I am last, that isn't what it's about for me. I am not worried about being nervous - I am nervous before every race - I will get through it.
Just the mere thought of being out there, being scared and pushing myself to my limits excites me beyond belief. There have been so many times in my past that I didn't do something because of a fear of failure and since I have become active and found myself, I decided that I no longer want to let those fears hold me back.
To quote Molly Sheridan in this month's Women's Running magazine "I believe we humans have incredible bodies, and most of us have never tapped into what we are capable of achieving." Wow! It's true. I discovered that twice about myself in 2009...first when I completed my first Half IronMan in September and again, with two of my best friends, when I completed the JFK 50 Miler in November.
These experiences have made me realize I can do more, I can push harder, I can, I can, I can!
So although I may not break any speed records on May 2nd, I will give all of my heart, soul and sweat to experience something spectacular and create another memory in my "I did it" book!
Wish me luck!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whew! And an award for me! Yay me!

I must say I am tired - and I do not say that often. After the double workout of a.m. run and p.m. swim yesterday, I rose this a.m. at the usual 4:13, although I had been awake awhile and restless.
I didn't even debate not going to SealTeam. I knew today was going to be a tough double day but I was ready.
This morning we had Olympic Team Challenges - teams of 6 people given a country name, we were Bulgaria, competing against 10 other "countries" for medals. Okay, not medals, but 3 points for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze.
Stations of physical activities to be completed by the team ranging from atomic situps, tricep pushups and dips, was a great workout! Bulgaria didn't score any points, but we definitely gave it heart, soul and sweat - 110%.
It was a grat morning - I felt it in my quads and hamstrings when I went to get in my car, as well as all through the day today...I had quad twitches in my left leg most of the day.
By 4p.m. I was spent - work was hectic and hellish to the point I thought my head would explode.
I knoew I only had to get through another hour and 15 minutes before heading to Spin class (aka - a$$ whipping courtesy of younf Karla).
Sure, I will go, keep it light and then head home...oh no...fellow SealTeam member in the room - Andy - also teammate from Bulgaria this a.m. AND since he saw me, no slacking.
I was glad, this would make me push.
And PUSH I did! Thank goodness.
I left feeling amazing, another double down.
I came home, heated up the dinner I pre-made for tonight, devoured it and now here I am.
Ready for tomorrow's run, although I fear it will be slow but good...then the new challenge of Master's Swim tomorrow night.
Garmin charged, shoes out, breakfast ready...swim bag packed and in the car!
Backup plan in place in case "Mr. Snow" causes a disruption to SealTeam run.
Hope you day was, time to stretch and relax!
Run safe, run happy!
P.S. I happily accept the "Gorgeous Blogger Award" from G @ "because I'm beautiful inspirational " - thank you G! Part of what makes us beautiful to others is the people in our lives, and I am glad you are in mine!
I would like to thank the academy, my supportive hubs, my parents...

I love this! I never win anything! :-)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Did someone say "Beer Run"?

Comeback Week continued...

Nothing like a good beer run to start the day off right….It’s not what you think, although as all 57 of us gathered this morning for our run option, some that had not heard that term “beer run” before were wondering…
It’s the nickname of the route that takes you outside of Bryan Park and past the beer distributor’s warehouse –thus, beer run.
So I got up this morning at my typical 4:13am - yes, 4:13am because I am obsessive-compulsive about odd numbers and 13 is my lucky number and because I have to be one of the first, if not the first, people at workout 5:45am workout.
I woke up easily and quickly and jumped out of bed, tried to wake the Hub, grabbed my robe and the fur kids and headed down for the morning temperature check! Yay me, shorts day! This excited me because I was already feeling good channeling Sunday’s awesome run and deeming this my comeback week, had I had to wear pants it would have totally put a damper on the day.
I grabbed the bulgur wheat from the fridge, threw a bowl in the microwave, mixed up my mini Accelerade and guzzled it down then headed up stairs to get dressed.
Poor Bob was back to sleep and sawing some serious wood, and so I wasn’t going to bother him again, so I let him sleep.
This day was a good one, I could tell and called for some pink action for the run. I love wearing something of color to SealTeam because almost everyone wears all black or navy blue clothing and I like standing out.
So my pink and black Nike tempo shorts and the hot pink Nike zip up won! It’s 38 degrees out so I don’t need a thermal or gloves today.
I giddily slipped on my pink no-show Nike Dri-Fit socks (this is beginning to sound like a Nike add), kissed Hubs goddbye and tiptoed downstairs and out the door! I was slightly irritated that my second bathroom stop this moring had me 2 minutes off my normally planned departure and I may not be the first one to the park, but I decided to not let it phase me…not during Comeback Week!
As the members started gathering in the parking lot before workout, I noticed how much clothing everyone had on.
It’s 38 degrees people – and once you warm up it will feel like 58!
Anyhoo, so they called out run option and we lined up and took a head count then off we went!
The Beer Run!
The Beer Run!
I was so excited – I had been requestng the Beer Run for weeks!
I started my Garmin, mumbled “Comeback Week” and off I went. Per usual I could hear my footsteps over all other 56 runners.
Bam bam, bam bam…everyone says they hear me before they see me. I noticed that the guy running one step behind me was only taking one step for every two of mine - oh to have long stems!
Towards the back of the park...past the spooky shelter (eeks!) out to the suddivision...what? What is this pace? I couldn't believe itI was going faster than my usual slow-poke pace! Yay me!
Down the road past Cadmus and then, what? The Beer Run hill? Got it...
I love hills, I love passing someone on a hill - ha - eat my dust...
In the shadows I spied CM's leg brace and shadow outline. He is right there, I can catch him! And there is LO, speedy her. Passed  a few more and then settled in, I had this.
Once I realized PJ was in front of me I decided to encourage him to keep me going - "Keep it up PJ, you are pulling my pace, dont' slow down", and just like a teammate does, he didn't let me down. There we were, running in the "zone", pushing and pulling each other and loving it.
Two rounds of the Beer Run hill, two rounds of the Bryan Park entrance hill (encouragement from RM, CC and AM) and then off into the park for the final push!
Two more big hills and I am done! I looked my watch and then looked up and saw SSB walking! How deflating to see that. I yelled to her to push through and she started up running again. That was it, that was all I needed to get my final surge...I didn't slow down and I felt amazing!
Beer Run done - 5.76 miles in 50 minutes! Not amazing but enough for me!
Comeback Week continues!
Run safe, run happy!

PS – PJ called me a cheerleader with a cattle prod AND I was the second one to the park this morning…hopeful to regain 1st place status tomorrow!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just look at his butt!

This was the theme of my Spin class today...
Let me explain. When I get to class - first, of course, so I can pick out the best bike for my ride - I survey the room, I watch who is coming in, find a bike and settle in.
I typically quickly make my personal adjustments, get on and spin for 10-15 minutes, use the potty and then class begins.
All was as expected today, down to my exit for the restroom...
As I re-entered the room I realized that my ride was in for a bit of a bump.
Tall hairy man had seated himself on the bike directly in front of me! Crap!
The way the bikes were positioned I couldn't see the instructor (my awesome Dad today) or most importantly, my "focal point".
I have a spot on the wall behind the instructor where I look to focus while I ride. I learned this was important for me to "get in my groove" after a class where I had to stare at a woman's lacey underwear waist band for an hour. I couldn't look was there, right in front of me...why was she wearing them? How could they be comfortable? The looked like mylon and totally must be sweaty and binding...ugh, that was the worst and I have totally avoided seating myself anywhere near her since.
Anyway, it was too late to change bikes or it would mess up my organized mojo, so there I was...
Class started and I struggled looking around - the floor, the wall off to one side, the ceiling...I couldn't get into my zone.
Then I decided to just look at his butt. It wasn't a great butt (frown) and thankfully he wasn't in lycra bike shorts, but a focal point it was none the less.
I felt kind of weird using his butt as my focal point with his wife sitting right next to him. Did she see me? If she did, maybe she felt proud that I was staring at his butt. She was tiny and I could take her out if she got difficult.
So 45 minutes of cycling while focusing on another woman's husband butt later, we were done.
Should I have thanked him? How would I even begin that conversation.
It was a great class today but I think in the future I need to be better prepared.
Run safe, run happy!

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

I am off work today and have been in high gear all morning!
I skipped SealTeam this am since I had a long run yesterday so although I was up at 4am, I got a little bit of extra sleep after I manuvered the laundry around and did a few things.
So now it's game on and I am ready to roll...
I have planned the lunch and dinner menus for the entire week, made my grocery and to-do lists, made up the spare room for our company this weekend and finished up the final laundry for the weekend.
Today is going to be a great day.
I have to make a stop at the Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center - one of our runners is there finishing up his last week and I want to make sure he knows we miss him and are excited he is coming back this weekend.
I also plan on picking up a pair of ultra cool long running socks today! Hopefully they will have some pink ones.
I am booked for my Dad's Spin class at 1215pm and of course will be visiting Robyn at the Smoothie King for my post workout smoothie.
After that, it's groceries and prepping/cooking for the week...I have workouts before and after workout Tue-Thurs and I need things to go as smoothly as possible.
This is my comeback week so I have to make it awesome!
I am ready to head out the door, hope YOU have a great day too!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The waiting is over!

Yes, you heard me...the waiting is over! Today was the day - for what? The perfect run!
I was uber excited that on my runs yesterday I was able to wear shorts, I felt good but with coaching, the runs are about the people you are with, which means you sacrifice (me, happily) your run and pace for the amazing task of getting someone else through theirs. Yesterday was a great day, period.
But as the sunset last night I began to think about today and the option to get up early for a 7am 10 miler with Judy, Jill and Maggie's Half Marathon Training Team.
I checked the weather - 30 degrees for scheduled start time - which meant shorts - yay me...
I picked out a fabulous green and black ensemble because it makes me feel good to look good. :-)
I could set aside my Smart Wool winter socks and rock my new favs, Nike's dri-fit no-shows, ever better!
I laid out all my gear, charged up the new Garmin 310XT and went to bed knowing I would be up far before my alarm clock made a peep.
I was right...3:37am and I was wide awake, Bob was snoring, the fur kids gave me a blank stare and snuggled back up in their beds and I laid there...
And laid there...
And laid there...
I took an assessment of myself and how I felt.
Rested?  Yep...
Excited?  Yep...
Ready to go out for a 10 miler and own it?  Yep!
I tip toed out of the room about 4:30am and made my way downstairs, grabbed the iPhone for a temperature check - YAY, 29 degrees with a matching windchill, perfection.  I stepped out on the back porch in my robe and barefeet and took it in. THIS is the day. The start of my comeback, I could FEEL it.
Since carb-induction is over and I am eating carbs again, but only in smart choice, mid-range doses, it was time to decide on breakfast...I agreed with GVF that a peanut butter, whole wheat English muffin should be my pre-run breakfast of champions today!  I mixed up and drank my Accelerade, threw the muffin in the toaster and head up to dress out.
All ready at 6am, woke the Hub, took the fur kids out and ate up. Grabbed my stuff and out the door I went.
Of course I was the first one there, per usual. I hated this today because it gave me time to think and I was beginning to doubt the awesomeness I had so been anticipating. "Shake it off" I told myself.
The group started to arrive and soon we were all there and ready to go and being in "doubter stage" I told Judy I would probably be running mid-pack today because I wasn't "feelin' it".
We started off and there goes Maggie with the front runner Tommie (girl) and me not too far behind. Stomp, stomp - stomp, stomp go my feet. This feels good, maybe I will run up front with Maggie.
AHA, the human metronome - ever seen one? She can run as smoothly and consistently as one of these instruments, never faltering, perfect pace, strong and passionate. That's the key to my perfect run today, be one with Maggie. Although, as you have read before, Maggie is fast, faster than me, but since she is coaching, she had to stay near or in site of the front runner of the group. She and I started talking and it just happened...we found a stride, gossiped and giggled and I kept looking at my watch in disbelief.  We decided to challenge Tommie a bit and not stay with her, but rather pull out in front of her but still in view and challenge her to step outside her comfort trying to stay close to us. She never faltered. We hit the 5 mile mark at Lombardy, waited for Tommie to roll in, and as she did she said "I am really pushing to keep up with you two!" I said, "Good, enjoy your SAG, see ya!" , thanked our awesome SAGmaster Benny and off we went.
We continued enjoying the beautiful morning, continued talking and I told Maggie at 7 miles that I didn't think I could keep the pace. It had been so perfect so far, ugh. Then I remembered yesterday on my run with the local shelter team...B wanted to quit and I asked him if he had more and he said "I don't want to be a quitter,  I may hurt, I may not be happy, but I am no quitter!" So that was it, I committed, committed to finish and finish strong. The last 3 miles got faster each mile, even going up hill (well, duh, I lovey the hills, chomp, chomp).
As we turned onto Willow Lawn Drive for the final stretch, that was it. I knew it. I was just about to finish the perfect run.
There's something about it when all the pieces fall together - doing something you love, with friends you love, watching someone else achieve something they want yet feeling a total sense of accomplishment in yourself.
The run was perfection...the comeback has begun!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day off...?

Yep, got the day off from work today. I awarded myself by sleeping in until 830am which is unheard of! Well, I was up at my normal 4am but convinced myself to take advantage and go back to bed, so after letting the honds out for their early morning relief and checking on my sick hubby on the sofa, I went back to bed.
I have spent the morning going through my coaching emails, making the grocery list and lunch/dinner menus for the week, packing all of my snacks for the week and putting away the last of the laundry (finally got all of the hand washing done yesterday)!
I am about to deliver a fresh and healthy lunch to my hubby's office then it's off to Spin class. Yesterday's was so good that I signed up for my Dad's at lunch time.
After that, I am treating myself to a yummy, no carb smoothie - it will be made by my friend Robyn who works at the awesome Smoothie place! Thanks R!
Next, I am going to deliver some cards to one of our homeless team members that is currently in a recovery program and unable to run with us. I hope it makes his day.
Then I decided to go visit a local market - Urban Farmhouse Market and Cafe in the Slip, looks tasty...and I would like to be supportive of local owned businesses.
A quick trip to the grocery store and then home to take care of the bills and paperwork.
Hubby suggested I treat myself to a pedicure, but with only 7 toenails I can't see spending the money.
Maybe I will just break out my foot bath and paraffin wax and do a "at home" pedicure.
Didn't I say I had the day off? Doesn't sound like it?
Hope you all have a fantastic day!
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Triple run Saturday, why I do this and a song!

Okay, so Friday is a "rest" day because Saturday is "3 Run Saturday"... early in the am for some miles with Judy and Maggie downtown earlyyyyyyyyyyyy...
Coaching the YMCA 10K Training Team at 8am and then, the run with the Richmond homeless "Keep On Movin'" at 2pm.  It will be a great day!
I hate to take a day off but it is something my body is requiring of me lately to keep up the pace of all my mind wants to do.
This made me think about what drives me.
What makes me get out there and do "this" everyday that I can...
Passion - I stumbled upon running and had an awakening. It wasn't obvious, it was just something I started doing and have never wanted to stop. It is my peace and serenity, my alone time and my bonding time.
It's part of me - it is something that runs through me with every beat of my heart - when I am out there running, it just footsteps, my pulse, my thoughts.
Friendship - the friends I have made, new or old, are amazing because they get it and they get me. They understand why I am out there in the heat or the snow, the darkness or the blazing sun...running friends are the best and I hold all of you close to my heart.
Cleansing - running cleanses my mind and soul. Whether I feel bad or am stressed out or just feeling uncentered, a run always makes me feel alive!
I have a song that I love, although the lyrics don't make much sense as far a running, if I hear it, it makes crazy and inspired...
Lit - My Own Worst Enemy...
"Can we forget about the things I said

When I was drunk
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Please tell me, please tell me Why
My car is in the front yard,
And I'm Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night
And your gone
It's no suprise to me I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me
The smoke alarm is going off,
And there's a cigarette Still burning,
Please tell me why my car is in the front yard
And I'm sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night and your gone
Gone please tell me why my car is in the front yard
And I'm sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
It's no suprise to me
I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me
Can we forget about the things I said
When I was drunk
I didn't mean to call you that"
Weid I know, but it is what it is...
Don't know why but I LOVE IT and energy it brings me.
What inspires you to do what you love to do?
Do you have a song that makes you feel inspired?
Thank you to all of my running friends - thank you for being there for me!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me repeat, I am so excited! (insert cabbage pach dance here)
Today I was worried about not having a run option at Seal Team tomorrow and, well, let's face it the conditions haven't been in running lover's favor lately (no thanks to Mean Mr. Snow)!
SO....I decided to form a united front, stand my ground and plan an early morning run with two of my fav running girls and - well just plan to do it NO MATTER WHAT!
That's right, you heard me Mr. Snow - we are forming an team of powerful running girls to stand up to you!
I took my lunch break today, mapped the run and emailed the troop leader Judy and had her alert the soldiers.
My house, 5:45am, like the postal service - rain or sleet or snow - we WILL run!
I compromised a tiny bit and routed us through subdivisions, just because there is really no clear shoulder on the main roads, again due to Mr. Snow and I don't feel the need to dodge a car in the dark...(Mom, don't freak out please).
The map and route were set, the troops are in and we were set!
I met Lady Em for Cycling class after work for a nice butt-whipping lead by my Dad!
Then, determined to ensure perfection in the am, I drove the run route on the way home...
Awesome! Dry road? Really? Has Mr. Snow taken a break?
Other than 2 small areas (on hills of course) all clear of ice. Fantastic.
Went home, called troop leader Judy and informed her of the wonderful news.
Barring any disruptions overnight, we, the united HCB's will set out in the am on a lovely run thru the 'Ville, per usual...laughing, talking, running - my 3 favorite things!
Life is good.
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another giveaway! Recovery socks! Come and get it!

One day it is...Recovery Socks Giveaway!  Check it out!
Run safe, run happy!

Allowances - why equal isn’t always fair!

Okay, I am here to state my case. For those of you that don’t know my husband, let me tell you, when it comes to money he makes Ebenezer Scrooge look weak. He admits he is tight and frugal and I tease him about it constantly. One thing that was often a problem the first few years of our marriage was money…
mainly me spending any of it. No matter where I had been, grocery store, Target, etc...when I came in the door with any kind of bag, the immediate question was “how much did that cost?” which typically turned on the “sarcastic Dee” and well, then it wasn’t good from there. Not that we fought about it, but more like I felt guilty buying anything and he didn’t understand why we/I needed some things. I didn’t understand that worry and the stress…if money was going in the bank, into our accounts as planned, why did it matter where rest went?

Working towards a solution, he came up with the idea of "allowances", which in itself isn’t bad but here’s where the disagreement comes …equal allowances aren’t fair for spouses – period.

Yes, you heard me…

My husband’s personal care only requires soap, deodorant, shave cream, razors and toothpaste…since those are items we both use, they come out of the household budget. However, if I need makeup, a new curling iron, zit cream, lip gloss, etc…that is out of my allowance.

A new bra is easily $20 and that is on the cheap side, yet my husband has undershirts old enough that they should be paying rent.

Party or formal wear – my hub can wear one of his many suits or tux to most formal events and no one flinches. Yet with party circles overlapping, if I need a new dress that is easily $80 - $300. Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT a “high end” clothing store shopper. In fact, in general I hate to shopping unless it’s for workout gear.

I live with a man that could survive on Ramen noodles and a 6 pack of boxer briefs for a decade. Allowances for spouses shouldn’t be equal. It’s a battle I won’t win, but also one I won’t let go, so for now we are both just flying the white flag, getting our equal monthly draw and agreeing to disagree, but I hope to break him soon!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Low/No Carb Toffee No-Bake Fudge

2 cups Splenda

1 cup whole milk powder (available in health food stores) although I used Non-Fat Powdered Milk

1 cup natural whey protein powder - (I used Jay Robb's Vanilla Whey Protein, the best, most natural available - I make a shake post workout with a scoop of it and a cup of unsweetened Vanilla or Chocolate, 1 tbsp heavy cream and Soy Milk and 5 ice cubes everyday!)

1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

1/4 cup whipping cream

2 Tbs water

2 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted


In a large bowl, combine the Splenda, milk powder, and protein powder.

In a small bowl, combine the butter, cream, and water. Stir this into the dry ingredients. Stir in the melted chocolate until well combined.

Press the mixture into a 9 x 9- inch baking dish. Freeze for approximately 30 minutes, then refrigerate. Cut into squares and serve.

Run safe, run happy!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

So, since Mr. Snow did NOT listen and stay away, I decided to give him a run for his money!

No, he couldn't just listen, he HAD to come back! Alrighty Mr. Snow, that's enough!
So late last night I get the call that both the 10K training teams I coach will not be running on Saturday.
Booooo, Mr. Snow strikes again! And while I found that to be horrible news, I was uber-happy when I got Judy's email that the SNOW RUN for Saturday am was ON! (cabbage patch dance, whoop, whoop!)
I quickly swung into action, hit the running gear cabinet and carefully selected the perfect items for the morning: Cool Max running tights (courtesy of Jill who felt bad for me running in Capri's and tube socks last time), my fav Nike running shelf top, a light weight wicking thermal, visor (the lucky IronMan visor of course), ear band, SmartWool ankle socks, a wind breaker and my Running with Scissors gaiters! Sweet...all laid out in the closet floor for a quick dress in the am. Then it hit me - go grab those Ice Traction Slip-On's I had bought Bob 4 years ago - perfect. I do have very strong ankles, as proven during the Bear Creek icy 10 Miler that turned into a 16 Miler when I got lost - fell 3x hard from ankle rolls but since I was in the woods and no one saw me, it didn't really happen, right? But I was concerned about hitting an ice patch and knew my knee wouldn't take it. So I got them out, strapped them on my Brooks and tah-dah!
Here they are:
I had a good night's sleep and was up at 5am and excited! Although we weren't running until 9am, but that's okay. I woke the Hub up at 8:30am with a fresh pot of coffee and a kiss goodbye and I was off to the gym to meet the crazy crew. Of course I was the first one there due to my need to always be early. Then in comes Judy, Jill and Maggie and Mike was almost there, he was running from home to get his extra miles.
We get ready, clear our Garmin's and off we go...
As we started, poor Mike, being the token man on our girl run, was treated to some song singing and underwear talk, but he was warned, he's a good sport.
We get to the end of B. Road and round the corner on to LD Road, starting with a lovely uphill climb for our warm up - nice! As per typical, Maggie and Mike have a slighty faster tempo pace than us other 3, so off they went. Jill, Judy and I vowed to stay together.
As cars pass, we notice the looks of insanity we are getting from drivers...all I can do is smile! "Aren't you all jealous that you are missing out?" I sheepishly grin and think watching the passerbyer's stares.
As we trudge through the snow and slush, the precipitation is getting rather sleety and J, J and I notice that the foot prints of M and M are pretty fresh so they aren' that far in front of us. Out of the subdivision and getting across PG Road to Dump Road is a bit tricky due to ice and traffic. I think at this point I was babbling about the giveaway I registered for last night and noticed there was only one voice replying because poor Jill was still stuck on the other side of the road.
The 3 of us back together navigated our way down Dump Road, which is typically quiet but today we were blessed with a pissed off woman in an SUV that I truly believe purposely drove thru the slush to splash us...must have been because we looked so hot in our tights and she was jealous! LOL.
We turn off Dump Road onto BC Drive (another nice hill, yum,yum) and Jill needs a break but I was determined not to stop so I settled into a nice pace and pitter-pattered my way up the long stretch, knowing I would wait for them both at the light.
At the intersection, we wait like vehicles in the turn lane to cross onto PG Road...and Jill needs to retie her shoe - hello High Maintenance! So we pause momentarily and I look up and see it - that dang snow plow from last week, but this time he is plowing waterfalls of slush about 8 feet high! "To the other side NOW" I yell - we moved so fast you would have thought there was a shoe sale!
Tradegy avoided - back on the run which for the next stretch of 7 minutes or so, we were dutifully drenched by about 10 cars that seemed to be travelling at lightning speed. What were these people thinking? Actually I know what they were thinking "crazy women"!

We made it to my fav part of this loop - A Drive! This long stretch of road is pristine, untouched and utterly peacefully. I take a deep breath and just absorb the beauty! As we were moving along I looked up and there was a group of robins flying over with their red bellies blazing against the snow clouded sky. Amazing...we all took a few seconds staring up at them...then, as we all started talking about it I realized that one of my running partners had changed! Jill was still on my left but I apparently now had the Joker running on my right - yep, all of Judy's mascara and eyeliner had decided to travel down her face in a lovely pattern - as I looked at her she said, "how's my mascara?" All I could say is "What's up Joker!" I love her and it's all in good fun, but if you know Jill and Judy, they do not leave the house without their mascara and liner, which if something makes you feel good when you run, I say do it! Judy even ran a Firefighter 5K Fund Raiser in full turn out gear in 100 degree weather with her hair and make done, red lipstick included!
What's this? Excuse us sir..a car on our quiet road...oh, it's man salvaging his car after it spent the night in a ditch...we ask if he needs help, then he tells US to be safe. Hmmm...
Nice steep hill here - and the traction slip-ons are still rockin'..right past Waffle House (more people staring)..then the compliment of the day - Hot Guy in Monster pickup truck slows down, rolls down the window and says "Hey ladies, now you guys are HARD CORE!"
LOL! We wave, keep running then giggily turn to each other mumbling "he just called us hard core" and of course, where was Hot Maggie when the Hot Guy shows up? Darn it!
On the main road now and lots of traffic...lots more people looking at us like we are nuts...which I think in some small way most runners are. We round the final turn into the last straight away before the gym and light bulb goes off - we have always needed a group name - "Hard Core Biotches" that is our new name, of course it will have to be HCB as not to offend anyone (sorry Mom and Dad).  The final stretch to the gym, I am feeling good and muster up a sprint, I think Judy and Jill thought I needed to "go" to the bathroom, when in all reality I just felt THAT good.
What an amazing morning. Just as always...a great run, great times with great it should be!
Run done and we were off to IHop to reward ourselves!
Run safe, run happy!

Running Skirt Giveaway!

Ladies, ladies, is your chance to win one of these fab running skirts! Although I hope I win, I thought it would be better karma if I share the info! Click here to see how to win!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lucky you, another cool GIVEAWAY!

Please take a minute and check out the giveaway - Oiselle Running Apparell - "This company was started in 2003 by a runner mom, Sally Bergesen who was frustrated by the choices she found in her local running store. She used her experience as a runner to put together her own product." Click here to find out how to win!
Run safe, run happy!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...Ok, I give...

Ok, ok, so it's not my birthday or even close, BUT I just bought myself an eeearrrly birthday present!
That's heard me. Wanna know what it is?
Tah dah!
The 8th Annual Charlottesville Marathon! Labeled the "most scenic marathon in the country"!
Yeppers - I done bought myself a Spring Marathon! Yay me!
How could I not? It's local, it's part of the "Bad to the Bone" race series (how cool is that name), it's right around my 42nd birthday, Jand M are running it with me AND it's hilly.
Mmmmm, tasty, love me some hills...point here - San Francisco and Atlanta, my 2 hilliest marathons = my 2 funnest marathons. So, on Saturday, April 17th I will have hills for breakfast and J, M and me will have Big Mac's and Super Size Fries for lunch and of course M will have her chocolate shake for recovery too! :-)
I have only done one other Spring marathon as I have always tended to lean towards the fall marathon, but after the 50 Miler in November, (see finish line picture - 11 hours 41 minutes and 31, 32 and 33 seconds)
M, J and D
I decided to turn it up a notch this year. 2 marathons, 2 halfs, the local triathlon circuit, a Half IronMan in late Summer and MAYBE, if I can convince J and M, a revisit to the JFK50 Miler, if we can make the lottery!
Of course I have not presented any of these new goals to the hubby yet but I will convince him that I will be okay.
As a side note to anyone interested, on the schedule for January 2011, taking a trip to The Magic Kingdom for the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend - The Goofy Challenge! A half marathon on Saturday, a full in Sunday, a medal for each and then the Goofy Challenge medal as well...see...
Hopefully this temptation will be enough to also convince my Medal Ho friend E to start saving for this awesome challenge.
Okay, enough babbling from me tonight.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great Giveaway!

Racing with Babes has a great giveaway! Click here to read and find out how to enter! I hope I win!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just so you know...

I have to say I truly admire couples that decide to have children, for it is truly the most unselfish thing one can do. I have always felt this way.

Some of you may or may not know that I chose not to have children a number of years ago. I got to a point in my life that I decided it wasn’t for me. I don’t hate kids, I don’t mind kids (unless they are smelly, then yes I mind them), in fact I quite enjoy them and I make a great Aunt and a fantastic babysitter. Just realized it was not for me and I have never have once questioned it – this was even a prerequisite for me on, where I met my husband Bob, he, fortunately, felt the same way about any more children…his was 19 and grown and he “wasn’t going there” again.

We still run across that occasional couple or person that doesn’t really know us that asks “When are you guys gonna have a kid?” or “Why don’t you guys have children?” and I struggle most times to hold back my words and not say, “We love children, they are tasty” or “Because they are messy and smelly and don’t bring in income”, just to be catty, but typically my answer is the same…we choose not to, period. Sometimes I elaborate, sometimes I don’t but mostly I don’t. Do I owe them an answer?

We have many friends who have children, and many, who like us, do not…jokingly we categorize them -“Breeders and Non Breeders” – totally mean that in an endearing way. I am just so in awe at what these parents do…but more often I am in awe of the Moms just for their sheer awesomeness.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe I would be a great Mom, had I decided I wanted children, but since I was never sure early in life and was so long on the fence about it into my 20’s, when my thirties hit, I knew the choice for me. And I always do say, I would much rather come to the end of my life not having children and having to deal with any of my own regrets vs. having had a child and at the end of my life having them regret that I had them.

I was raised (thankfully) by great parents, and think I am the strong and independent, successful woman I am today because I had the best role model…my Mother… and I know my Dad will read this and won’t mind me saying it, and will agree.

From the time my sister and I were born, she never got to use the bathroom alone, have a private conversation, sleep in, or even have a peaceful car ride…until I was 25 years old and moved out of the house. My Dad was overseas a lot of my childhood, fighting for the freedoms I have today (thank you Daddy), so Mom was often both parents in his absence. I can’t really recall ever seeing any weaknesses in my Mom, if she had them, she hid them well. She taught me it is okay to cry when I am mad, to ask for a hug when I need one and that I am okay just being me.
I may not be a parent but I respect them immensely, I may not have children but I do like them, I may not make the same choices as some, but I understand them.
Just so you know...
Run safe, run happy!