Thursday, July 22, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Date - I have a "date" today! A lunch date...with a super cool girl named G.  She has been wanting to expand her food tastes and I am always willing to help others try new food! Recently her H and I introduced her to sushi and, well, I am happy to report - she LOVED it.  I gave her the choice for tomorrow of sushi repeat, Indian or Vietnamese - she chose Vietnamese! Yay! So today around noon a super hot chic is picking me up for a cool lunch date on a humid day! Can't wait!

Wait - And wait, and wait...Judy, Maggie and I entered the lottery for another shot at the JFK50Miler. They collected entries from July 10th - 20th, to be pulled on the 21st. SO...we kept checking ALL DAY Wednesday for the update to see if we were lucky enough to be chosen again. Well, still no news...pout. All we can do is wait...

Fate - Ah, Sunday I attempt my first open water, against current swim in a Triathlon. It's 1.5k or just over a mile...and I am N-E-R-V-O-U-S! I launch at 7:06am, 3 minutes after my dear friend CM (in the male 40+ category) and he is going to feign a cramp and wait for throw his chance to place to swim beside me and encourage me through my fears and worry. I have 70 minutes to avoid a DQ (disqualified) where if I don't make it, I will not get to go on to bike and run. I won't give up. Cross your fingers.

Run safe, run happy! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

If you were paying attention, you know why I need this today...
Run safe, run happy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Inspiration!

She may not always be fast...but she is fine with that.
She may not always be graceful...she can fall on flat ground but get up and dust herself off smiling.
But this girl INSPIRES me and has almost every day since I met her.
I met her on a Saturday group run that I coach at the DTY...
I could tell the moment she walked up that I liked her.
Her spirit is warm and infectious...
Her heart she wears on her sleeve.
If she is faced with a challenge, she tackles it head on with grit and gusto.
With her logical mind she thinks and "kneads" her thoughts thoroughly.
She has a wicked sense of humor and a gleam in her eye that makes you wonder what she might be up to.
I am glad to call her my friend.
Who is she?
If you are ever around her, she is the one you will be immediately drawn to and glad that you were.
Thank you S.R....THANK YOU for inspiring ME!
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Things Thursday!

Beat Feet – How does anyone that runs have nice feet? I don’t get it. I see quite a few feet and I seem to be in the minority – I HAVE UGLY FEET! Why can’t I have pretty, smooth foot with nice toenails (I rarely even have 10 toenails) – let alone have feet that are presentable in sandals!

Not So Neat – My house is a MESS right now…seriously, a mess. Seems that a certain person (my hub) now feels that since we are not moving, he needs to rearrange, redecorate or rebuild every room in the house. What started as a simple one-room project list has now blown up in to full on CHAOS!
Not to mention, he is not the best and matching or coordinating and so every single item moved is a tug-o-war as I try to prevent the house from looking like a blind mind arranged the furniture and rugs.

Tires To Street – I am guessing I need to get Trina down from the roof of the garage…I have a race in less than two weeks and haven’t ridden her but twice this calendar year. Emily can’t ride-ride right now, Dawn is super busy and I hate riding alone…race day is going to be interesting! Maybe I should invest in some training wheels.
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

The best of both worlds! Peeps sushi!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I do love my husband, but...

Do you know someone that has this infliction?
Please, don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I know he works hard...BUT...
Yep, but..
It seems like any time he does something around the house other than eat, sleep, sit, watch TV, etc.,
he has to come and proudly announce "the list" of things he has done - WTH???
Is this a man thing? (not man-bashing guys, just asking?)
The other day he walked into the room with an empty laundry basket BEAMING!
"I put my clean clothes away!" - I know I looked stunned because all I could think was "really? I sorted, washed, dried, folded and put away 4 loads of laundry yet didnt get a prize..."
Double sigh.
Just curious, is there a vaccine for this or something?
Maybe I should call GlaxoSmithKline or Pfizer, I might be on to something...
Uh oh, gotta go, he just finished mowing and I need to be prepared for the announcement! ;-)
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Three Things Thursday!?!

I have a date tonight...ok, so my husband and I have a date, but I look at it as MY date...with G... (nofsahmof3)..I L-O-V-E her...and even thoough I have to share her with 2 boys, I am happy for the time together! Are you jealous?

My brother in law, neice and nephew leave on Saturday for LIVE there...for 3-5 years (sigh). My neice asked if I would help her with healthy meal plans once she is there and settled. I get it, she is growing up and starting to want some control. I am proud of her and honored she asked me for help. I am thinking of a public website to post meal ideas and share as I have had a few requests for recipes based of my picture posts of meals on FaceBook. What do you think?

I have planted the seed of a pool in the yard...I have been sneaky and I THINK it is working...slowly, but has made the "maybe" list from the "no" list. I am good. Plan is in action, fingers are crossed. Wanna come to my pool party?

Did I mention I have a date tonight?

Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

LOL DOG...I know exactly how you feel...
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Sometimes I want to be mad at my husband, just want to be mad...
...but...he just makes it so hard...sometimes...
Like the other day, he comes home from shopping at TJ Maxx and he walks in and says,
"You know how you are always looking for a wash cloth? Well, here - I bought us some!"
and out of the bag he whips a bundle of wash cloths, tied with a white satin bow - AND -
they are YELLOW!
Our master bath is orange and brown and white? Our hall bath is dark plum and black and white?
Yes, yellow. But how can I be mad or not happy or...he thought to buy me wash cloths.
Beautiful yellow wash cloths.
Okay...yellow...I don't get it, but I do.

Run safe, run happy!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Oops, so we will do it again...maybe...

So, this is's that time of year.
The time of year that a little apllication hits the internet for download, filling out and overnighting...
Then its wait and see.
What is this application you ask?
Well it's the application for the JFK 50 Miler! we go again.
Judy, Maggie and I all decided on Wednesday morning amid a string of crazy and flying emails that we would enter the lottery for a second chance at getting picked to run the JFK 50 Miler again.
Last year was our first time and it was a day (a whole entire day) to remember.
Then afterwards, while hooked to saline IV's eating greasy cheeseburgers and fries, we said "maybe" again...then we said "no, let's find something else"...
and Wednesday we said "let's do it!"
Why not?
We all 3 have the desire and the drive...
We have a great team dynamic, always supportive, ready to pickup or push each other when needed...
We have the most amazing support crew (yep, our Gear Boys - Bob and Steve)...
And most of all, we just plain want to.
Here we are last year in the gym before the start and 11 and 42 minutes later upon finishing...

Hopefully we will be selected in the lottery and will have even better pictures this year.
Maybe I could even bribe my parents to come out and cheer us on???
Cross your fingers, we will find out July 21st (so I havent told Bob yet...why tell him before we know for sure?)

Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three Things Thursday - Heat, sheets and well, bling?

I like it cold in the house – the colder the better. I would be completely happy setting the thermostat at 58 degrees year ‘round. The heat here has been bad and our AC was jacked…Sunday night when we were cooking dinner in the house it was 80 degrees…INDOORS. I was mean and crabby because of it and had been complaining for 2 weeks to my hub that there was obviously something wrong with our AC… he was trying to blame it on my period (typical male response) but he was wrong…I was a) in my own house, b) it was HOT, c) I was not comfortable, d) therefore I was grumpy and pissed.  I guess my “wonderful mood” Sunday night finally made it thru to him because he had the AC guy come out at 8pm Monday night. His name was Jay – I heart him so – the coils were dirty and we were 2 pounds short on Freon. By 9pm I was already feeling it – it was pure heaven!

Thread Count Matters – The hubby decided about a week ago that we needed a new comforter set in te master bedroom. He didn’t like the “slippery” material of the one we had and there was a tear in it – which he said was from the dogs but I know it was from the comforter tug-o-war we play at night when he hogs all the covers and I work on my biceps yanking them back to my side. To the point, I found a comforter set on Sunday – and it was on sale! $240 marked down one day to $59.99…SOLD! So since I saved so much, I decided to spring for good sheets. I have not had sheets under 300 count ever – I think they feel like sandpaper…and I think the ones we had were in the 450 range. Well, I found some heavenly 620 count. I tried to explain the whole thread count thing to the hubby, but seeing would be easier than just believing. Monday morning, when I woke him up at 8am, I asked him “how did you sleep?” he replied “It was like sleeping in a hotel bed…a good hotel!” He doesnt sleep muc or well, so this made me very happy!

Jewelry hates me – I wear the same jewelry ALL the time, except for on formal or special occasions where I might wear costume jewelry. 3 months ago I lost my wedding band…that plain sucks. I have looked everywhere to no avail. A week before vacation, I was getting the groceries out of the bottom basket of my cart and my diamond pendant (wedding gift from hubby on our wedding day) caught on the basket, the chain broke, the diamond shot across the store…luckily I found it, but I have had no chain for it so I had kept it in my jewelry box. 2 days ago, as I was blow drying my hair, I feel something hit my foot. It was one of my diamond earrings (another wedding gift from hubby) – the screw on back apparently decided to leave without warning, probably down the drain…so now I had no wedding ring, no necklace, no earrings…
Wednesday after work I hit Jared's for replacement parts and pieces. Got the earring back - check, got a new 20" chain - check, text the husband that the replacement cheap band would be $250 - um, your guess? Yep "We will keep looking". Two outta three ain't too shabby.
Run safe, run happy!