Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two Announcements! (sound the horn, drum roll please!)

I have two things to share tonight! 
One that I have been stuck on for a few weeks, racking my brain...
Another one that was really easy...

Some of you may know that I recent retired Trina the Triple Allez (my Specialized Road Bike) 
when my hubs surprised me with a new bike! (see her below)
She's a-ma-zing...perfect I might dare say, BUT she has been nameless...sigh...
I chose not to just go with the first thing that came to mind just because, well, because she deserved a good name. A cool name. A name worthy of my "HCB" behind riding her for miles and endless miles. 
So, when momof3 offered to post on FaceBook for help with a name, I accepted.
Well, we have a WINNER! I cannot get it out of my head...
So, let me introduce my new bike - "Technicolor Blue"!
And a big and happy thank you to JFG for the name! <3

On to number two:
I know this amazing girl, perhaps you know her to?
She's pretty GBA, no lie. Yep,that's her, momof3, with me after a bike ride on our new bikes.
I think she's pretty awesome. Ask anyone.
Super supportive, dedicated and all around, well, Galatically Bad Ass.
I decided to give her a present and I figured I would share...
Welcome to the "Dark Side" G!
Anyone that works this hard totally has to be in a kick-ass event on their BIRTHDAY!
So, mark your calendars girls and boys and come out and cheer on G in the:

Are you ready to rock?
Yea, I pretty much think you are!

Run safe, run happy,

Monday, March 28, 2011


Today I made a major decision - "choice" is a better word - for change.
For me.
Too soon to share the details but I am EXCITED.
It's going to be tough.
It's going to be challenging.
More to come...

Run safe, run happy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'mmmm Baaaaaaaaaaaccckk! Quite A Big Bite!

Well, yes, I am back...
I going to attempt to share and blog on a regular basis. (Insert shocked looked here)
I decided after my "big step" today that adding blogging back to my routine would be the cherry on top of the proverbial sundae.
Today I laid out my race calendar for 2011 AND let me just say, I.am.going.to.be.busy!
I am fortunate enough to be a "sponsored athlete" again this season...thanks to the awesome Dr. G I will again be sporting about in my Active Chiropractic kit all over the state...
I kinda don't get it...why he would sponsor me.
I am NOT an Elite. I am NOT even a ranked athlete, but he told me today, after he registered me for my sponsored races, "You embody everything that is wonderful in the endurance world and races are much better with your passion and energy present." 
Compliment, yes. Am I lucky, yes.
I just told him that at least he will get some killer advertising since I am out on the course so long. :-)
Anyhoo, I hope you hang out some on my page and maybe, in the words of momof3 (one of my fav bloggers) show me some love and leave me some comments and spread the word.
So, for tonight, I will leave it at that.
I am back.

Run safe, run happy,