Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things that go bump in the night...

Okaay, so today started out eeeeeeeeeearly...Me, Maggie and Judy had to get in our 20 mile run on the day of the 10K. Inventive ladies that we are, we decided to run from Mechanicsville to the race start, about 14  miles...then run the 6.2 mile race, brilliant!
Because we had to be at the race start by 7:45am at the latest, we decided to meet at the gym at 5am, take care of last minute potty breaks and hit the road by 5:15am. This meant a 3:45am up time to eat and drink an hour before the run...ugh. It was tough because my pinched nerve in my back came back Friday afternoon and I was miserable.
I was up on time, ate, dressed, took out the dogs, woke the hub and off I went. Luckily Mr. Windchill was cooperating with the temp and 32 meant 32, not 26 like it was suppose "to feel like"...
My ensemble was my sporty new grey shorts with the bright lime green piping, a tank, bright lime green top and matching gloves. Of course since it was sooooooooooo dark, a headlamp, and 2 blinky red lights as well.
We took off from the gym at 5:15am and boy it was DARK. So dark that I couldn't even see Maggie or Judy who were running on either side of me. No moon, no lights, just dark and a spotlight from my headlamp.
Fresh out of the gate, as we were singing show tunes, Maggie scares us all with a scream and a hop...road kill on her shoe..Nice! Luckily it wasn't the skunk we smelled about a 1/4 mile later, ugh, not nice, not even at 5:30am when you can't see it.
We had a pleasant run down PG Road with a lovely potty stop for me at 7-11...I always wonder what people think when they see us crazy girls - we always get the look.
Our new neon lime green gloves ROCKED! They looked really cool as we pretended to "vogue" like Madonna in our spot lights - it was early, we are nuts, yes.
Now the long stretch down MB Rd....dark and through the "swamp"...
Let me say this about the swamp,  Idon't like driving through there during the day and hold even more disdain for that area at 5:45am in the pitch black.
It didn't help that as we were running we hear a loud "ka-bang" on our left...and yes, we all picked up the pace...Judy thought for sure it was an animal...then on the right "ka-bang"...I thought for sure it was a gun shot into the water...or a zombie...but I am petrified of the dark and have quite the vivid imagination.
The next neato thing was the vicious dog barking...were they loose? They were getting closer...or were we getting closer to them? Whew, dog kennel...I knew I couldn't out run a Rottweiler no matter what.
We had a good stretch up the hill on A Ave, the dawn was beginning to break and most of the passerbys were able to see us now, not that they cared or pay attention.
At this point we have all stripped down to our bottom layers and gather our thoughts...time is ticking and we have to make the cutoff.
After a quick reroute and saving from the Bryan Park hill (thanks Judy) we were on the last long road before our final stretch.
My back was killing me and the pain was radiating down into my right leg but nothing was going to stop me from getting to my team for their first race. Thanks to my two great friends Judy and Maggie, and their encouragement and cheers, we made it! We were on Broad Street...the final length of our pre-dawn journey...Oh look, it's RLAM GVF...she looks awesome in her Cheetah print and long socks - cute girl. She ran for a stretch with us until we turned off on Harrison to head to the park. Go get 'em G!
We made our way through the crowds and to the park to meet the team. Faithful hub B was already there waiting and luckily helped me change into dry clothes.
The wait for the race start was long and cold but I don't even remember that now...
All I remember is a great day, that started with a great run with great friends...and an awesome race that was a new start for some inspiring people.
All the Keep It Movin' runners and walkers finished today with smiles and a sense of accomplishment.
They were amazing!
So what if there were a few bumps in the night, those were nothing compared to the fireworks at the end of the day!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Keep It Movin’ – Race day is near!

I was asked by Dan B. back in January if I had any interest in helping him coach a new group of runners for the 10K…at first I was puzzled I was already designated the Head Coach for the JC YMCA…
Curiosity got the better of me and I asked, okay, what’s the deal?
He wanted to start a 10K training team for the homeless here in Richmond…
Cool, I am in. So, as many of you know, due to my begging and pleading for used shoes and clothing via Facebook, emails and word of mouth, the program was a success. We had new runners showing up each week and they wanted to run!
Let me say, just like there is no “runner type”, there is not “homeless type”…really, I could easily be anyone of these people.
At first, most of them were quiet and reserved, I realized it would take time to build trust with them.
From conversations over the weeks, I have learned so much about these folks…some who have made bad decisions or choices that got them where they are, to others who just had a string of bad luck and as a result, lost everything…but all trying to make a new start, a good start and just need a break.
We collected bags and boxes of shoes and clothing, got them fitted and outfitted and every week for the last 12 weeks, we have run.
I think running is a smaller part of it than I initially thought it would be. I mean, I didn’t actually think they would come out on day one and have the euphoric runner’s high and feel like their life had changed, but I may have thought something like that.
What is seems to be about for most of these people is making a commitment to something and sticking with it. Starting and finishing something. Taking on a challenge, defining a goal and achieving it.
The Richmond Times Dispatch did a story on our group – HERE
(and here’s the on line version with audio (turn it up and let me know if you hear a familiar voice)
This past Saturday I handed out the team’s race shirts! They were so excited…here’s a picture of the shirt – if you are local, please watch for it on the course and cheer these runners on!
We have opened up the possibility to continue running with people who are interested and some may even go on to the marathon training team starting in June.
Either way, this experience has been amazing and I will never forget it.
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who was that?

You heard me…who was that?
Some of you may or may not know that I have been on a quest to reconnect with my inner runner.
Not because I had lost my passion for running, NO WAY…but because I had lost my ability for anything closely resembling speed for me.
I know this was mostly due to the training schedule I took on last year when I was pulling for distance over speed and it was also because I had a Half IronMan, two marathons and 50 miler all within a less than 60 day time period.
After all those races were done, coming into December, well it was painfully obvious that my body was pissed at me. I gave "slow" a whole new meaning in my book AND I felt it. I jokingly tried to convince myself that slow was the new fast, and that if I kept it up maybe I would start a trend, but alas, I did not.
I waddled into January still feeling some blues about it, but with the great support system of Runner Girls that I have, well, they didn’t let me mope for long.
So I sucked it up, put up with the pace and decided that is was what it was and that I would just hunker down until the storm passed…
And pass it did! Yes it took its own sweet time but on Sunday, February 21st, the clouds lifted and I achieved “perfect run” status, something I had not had in quite some time. (you might recall this blog about it).
That was it, that was the push I needed to get me back on track. Since then, things have been progressing well. I have been feeling stronger and the Garmin has been getting a workout.
(L-O-V-I-N-G my new Garmin 310XT by the way, her name is GiGi, she is sweet and silent)

A few weeks ago I decided to dip my toes back into the Newton pool…I ran in Newton’s 2 years ago prior to the “Hamstring incident” and loved them. Plus I needed a carrot – and TRUST ME, dropping $150+ on a pair of kicks will motivate you!
I got them in time to test on a 3-4 miler on March 6th – pure bliss!

Anyhoo, now that I have you caught up, on to the present. I have been wearing my Newton’s on Tuesday and Thursday run option at Seal Team and on my shorter first run on Saturday mornings.
I have really enjoyed them thoroughly and don’t even shutter about the money spent when I look at them, yes, they ARE that good!
Each run I have been secretly setting tiny goals for myself, either a time or someone to beat or a feeling, etc. and I have been experiencing small victories.
This morning as the runners split off from the regular workout, I had my goals in mind…hit the 6 mile mark in 48 minutes, stay in the top 5 and be first girl!
AND…guess what! I DID IT!
Yep…I hit the 6 mile mark at 47:57…
I finished in the top 3, yes 3 not 5…AND I was first girl!
Who was that?
It was me!
It was amazing!
I am still smiling!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cheers to something new!

I love a challenge!
Love being challenged by others...
Mostly I love challenging myself...
So, my latest challenge is in the kitchen. Yep, I challenged myself to try 4 weeks, healthy recipes, no repeats.
Picking the menus the week before, planning my shopping list accordingly (no waste) and then voting with Bob on which are keepers and which are not.
I had good luck the first week. I found chili and sweet corn bread night amazing (yes G, I still owe you a batch of corn bread), the stuffed peppers were delicious, the shrimp paella salad is my fav so far and all the recipes passed the husband test.
For those of you who don't know, there are two completely seperate eating habits in our house - me - a former fatty of 250+ who measures and counts every calorie. My husband, naturally slender all his life, can eat anything he wants and mostly loves anything meat, potatoes or cheese covered (I wish)!
After my carb induction,  I decided to stay off white foods - no white rice, white bread, regular pasta, etc...all whole grain. Hubby wouldn't go for this so I have some adjustments to make when I cook, but that is okay.
We are in week two, and so far I have learned (or been reminded) he doesn't like stewed tomatoes or peas, which I didn't think that included snow peas!
Anyway, I already have week 3 planned. The fettucine is really looking good and the blue cheese burgers are going to be flanked by french fries - his will be regular, mine will be sweet potato. I find the challenge to be interesting and good for us.
Healthy meals are important to me and tasty meals are an important thing as well, so I am combining the two and adding my love of providing a beautiful meal for us has been the icing on the cake.
It thrills me at night to serve a visual plate - to present it to my husband is like a reward for me, making it pleasant to look at and yummy at the same time.
I guess that sounds a bit old fashioned, but that is my language of love!
If anyone is intersted in any new recipes, let me know, I am happy to share!
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Affair to Remember...and Rekindle!

Yes, I had an was two years ago. I had kept the temptation of going back in the cobwebs of my mind until about 2 months ago. Then it started - I was longing for it but I decided I wasn't ready. Then I read about a friend's "new love" and I was hooked. I HAD to do it. I am ready.
Let me disgress a moment.
Two years ago I was tempted to try the Newton Running shoe. I needed to stop heel striking and I wanted speed, so I went to try this gem of a shoe...bright, pricy but sleek and sexy and sooooooo light weight. And with a 30 day money back guarantee, how could I say no.

 So I plopped down the hefty price and took them home. I wanted to run that night but saved it for the next am for track day.
HEAVEN! It couldn't be. Instant comfort and speed too?
It must be a fluke. Certainly something I ate the night before...
Two mornings later at Seal Team, again, awesome run, time peeled off the clock...maybe I was well rested?
Nope, it was the shoes. Bright and brilliant, little cushions of awesomeness! Runs got longer and faster, and I couldn't go slow. It was amazing. Then - it hamstring found out about my fling and decided to end it. And end it hard. I hung up the sneaks and thought I was just not meant for speed. Poo. So I puttered along thru my season, and into the next...I had a lot of endurance events in 2009 so speed was last on my list.
I came through 2009 and the year ended with a joy of my accomplishments but I was beat.
Speed wasn't even in the picture. Recovery was all I could deal with. My body was rejecting every attempt of anything much more than a light jog.
That's okay, I knew for my health I needed a break. So I promised myself 45 days of recovery, slow runs, speedy walks, no over doing it. February hit and I was feeling better but still couldn't get back in the groove.
Then it happened - February 21st - a chilly Sunday morning, a relaxed run with friends coaching a team, no pressure to perform, just run. And run I did...easily and swiftly, 10 miles holding a 8:45minute/mile pace!
All while chatting with Maggie too! Fluke, maybe but for me it was a hint of my return and it couldn't come soon enough.
Tuesday the 23rd, repeat performance. I felt amazing...then I read it - TMB had bought Newton's -
DING, DING, DING...reading about her new lover, well, I got all itchy and antsy and jealous. I wanted MY lover back and I NEEDED it baaaaaaaaaaaad.
I stalked my former lover on the web, googled her, dreamt of her and then, it happened..."someone" super sweet sent me a discount code for a rebate and that was it!
Today I ordered them...affair round 2 is on...they are sexy, sleek and well, PINK! See?

I am not fortunate enough to have them yet, but I got a confirmation they shipped the same day! Woot! I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I already have my one mile loop planned for our introduction date. Nothing too fancy, just a casual, no frills loop. I still haven't decided what I will wear but I have a feeling it will be based around a Cheetah print skirt. I don't want to turn on the charm too soon and have a big let down. I don't know if the affair will be the same the second time around but, man, I can't wait to find out!
I just hope my Brooks don't find out!
Dear Pink Passion Newtons, I can't want to meet you!