Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow, snow, go away...

Dear Mr. Snow-
Snow, snow, go away, come again some other day...scratch that! Please don't...just stay away!
Seriously, stay away!
You are pretty when you are falling and I can run on you the first day, when you are pristine and provide me with a peaceful and calming run...but...that's it.
After that it's all down hill. I can't run on you after you have melted some during the day and turned to ice over night.
I can't run on you when the snow plows can't get enough of you off the street to provide me with a path to joy.
Ugh, then you leave me with the DreadMill, which next to you, Mr. Snow, is my worst enemy.
An endless spinning of a rubberized mat, going nowhere, boring and unsatisfying.
Not to mention, during times when you, Mr. Snow, invade my peaceful bubble of workout pleasure, there is actually a line to get on one of these horrible creations.
Tomorrow morning should be fun. With sun today and plows attempting to clean you up, it's sure to be a mess. I am all set to get up at 4am, dress in my SealTeam gear and head to the park for a grueling "snow" workout BUT if you are nasty overnight and the roads to the park ar "iffy" I shall be banished to the indoors of the YMCA, made to stand in line for the rolling mat that pretends to be landscape and sweat along side another tortured soul while I try to enjoy a run...
I have nothing else to say to you Mr. Snow.
You are here, I have to deal with it but I do not have to like you.
Enjoy your stay but do not hurry back.
P.S. My dogs agree and peed all over you today...HA!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow run! Whoo hoo!

Well, I was ready this perfect - a snow run!
I met J, J, M and M at the gym and we set out for a loop around the Ville!
This is the picture posted on WWBT12 News' weather page!
The morning was breath-taking, not because of the cold, because of the peace and quiet.
M and M are faster than J, J and me (Team DudyJ) so we broke up into 2 groups, agreed where we would meet to run the last 2 miles in and off we went.
Of course the first mile we were trailed by mine and J's husbands - they apparently wanted to make sure we knew to get out of the way of cars...duh!
So, off and running, the chit chat is on, the laughs, the stories, just a normal run. I hadn't been able to run with J in a while and that has been tough. Last season she was at my side nearly every race - I have missed her.
Funny though, the great thing about great friends, you just pick right back up where you left off.
We ran remembering snake sightings, dog chases, potty stops...all the while waving happily and smiling at any car that happen to pass. How come they all looked at us so strangely? Did I have horns or fangs?
We did have a close call with a giant snow plow...luckily I spotted it on it's raging mission and yelled "Holy the median, to the median" which we made just in time - had we not, we would probably still be digging ourselves out of the giant snow bank he left behind.
As we circled down a pristine back road, we suddenly realized the F250 we moved over for, was slowing down behind us...a man and wife, obviously going to the store...the man rolled down his window "you ladies aren't seriously out here jogging are you?" (and I fume when someone calls me a JOGGER but I forgive his ignorance) "Yes, yes we are!" the 3 stooges of Team DudyJ reply...we didn't know these people but no joke, his wife pulled out her cell phone and said "Now THIS I got to have a picture of!" So camera shy that we are, we posed and then waved goodbye...
Since this was the meeting spot for M and M to meet up with us, I took this opportunity to have J capture me on film...
Me on my SNOW RUN!
My icy eye lashes!

So now the Snow Team 5 are reunited and heading "back to the barn", only a few more hills to conquer and then a comfortable run in. Funny thing, my feet are still dry and I am not cold. Again this proves to me, "there is no bad weather, only bad gear" a quote made famous to me by Instructor McG.
The run was coming to an end, the gym was right around the corner, the husbands were waiting to go we finished up and headed inside, we all turned to each other and asked "Again tomorrow?" YES! We all agreed, another one tomorrow! Sure to be deeper snow and an awesome quad workout plus I get to see Dr. G next week so why waste a trip, right?
I came home and immediately packed my gym bag for Spin and Swim tomorrow afternoon and HAPPILY laid out my Snow Run clothes...just hope my hubby gets the driveway cleaned off tonight, I don't want to be late for my morning date!
Run safe, run happy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Eating bubbles!

Tonight was a new adventure...yep, tried something new...a swim class with other swimmers...GREAT swimmers! Strong swimmers! Experienced swimmers!
Mr. D also teaches swim at AF gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights so tonight, in need of a bit of inspiration I decided to join them.
There were only 2 other swimmers tonight besides me, C and T and well, that was enough.
Enough to light that little fire inside my belly called "competitor"...yep, game on!
I had to share a lane with C and man, she is goooood. I learned tonight that 2 years ago she was like me - completely horrible in the water. This is another good point, more reason for me to push. I ate her bubbles all night!
So the three of us start out with warm ups and of course I am a bit behind, that's okay...
Then the bomb drops - time for sprints - 50 yard sprints - freestyle - all out - first set with a 60 second rest, second set with a 50 second rest, third set with a 40 second rest, you get the idea...
Swimming with C in my lane really made push...I did 55 seconds the first time and and by the 7th 50 yard set I was at 1 minute...I am good with that. I was at the point of vomiting but I did not quit.
Then it was on to kicks - 8 laps, kickboard and freestyle kick except 2 breast stroke kick and 1 dolphin kick...I only finished a bit behind T and a little more behind C, of course.
Some other drills occurred then one last test...all out sprint freestyle and BEAT your fastest time from earlier sprints!
I took off, it was like slo-mo, I felt like I was giving my all and getting nowhere...
I pushed and fought and I DID IT...54 seconds and no vomit! Yay me!
Cool down laps and a shower...then to celebrate - a pound a steamed shrimp drenched in butter, flaxseed no carb bread and a huge bowl of broccoli - which I consumed in 8 minutes flat! No joke.
Do I have swimmer's shoulders yet? LOL! Maybe not but, maybe one day!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Great GIVEAWAY...check it out... Nathan Giveaway click HERE! Check it out!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is tough! But I won't call "Uncle"!

Working out is tough!
Yep, tough...but I love it!
The self satisfaction you get from a great run, an attempt at a swim, a good Spin class...
Seal Team is the heart of it, it's what got me moving in May of 2005.
In a way I credit it in saving my life. Pushing 250 pounds at my peak, I knew I had to take control.
So maybe before I was obsesses with food, well, I know I was, replacing the void with stuffing my face, I found a savior in working out with Seal Team.
Then I found lover, my secret affair...something all mine!
Then the carrot was dangled to try something new - triathlons.
Swim (hahahaha), bike, run...Sprint distance, easy fun and this year Half Iron(Wo)Man...done.
The bike is okay, I can ride it but I am not the best. The run, well, it just comes. The swim sucks but it's the shortest, I get through.
So this season I vowed to compete as a true competitor.
I am taking swim lessons and swimming 3 times a week at night and on weekends.
Bike, I need to be better, so Spin classes to work on endurance before outdoor season starts.
And the running, well, after the 50 miler November 21st, my body has been in recovery then starting over, so the run is coming back. Today's run was good, the best in a while.
Right now the commitment is Seal Team 5x mornings a week, swim 3x a week, Spin 2 -3 x a week.
It's aggressive but it's doable.
If I don't die this next week, I will post more on my progress...
In the mean time, it's no rest for the weary, training is for those strong of heart!
My heart is still beating...and I wont' call "Uncle"!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Swimming and me! Hahaha!

Well, I have always compared my swimming to look just about as bad as the way Phoebe ran thru the park on an episode of Friends! Not pretty and just bad enough to make you want to continue watching to see what's next.
Apparently, according to my new swim instructor, I don't "suck" near as much as I think I do.
He actually said that he wouldn't even consider me a baseline beginner but more of someone who needs to hone in on the skill I have, learn to be comfortable in the water and gain endurance.
Mr. D watched me "swim", assessed and then went to work. He put me through a few drills - specifically abs - yes, abs in the water. Then had me just start swimming. I have only ever known how to breath during Freestyle on my right. He insists that I try breathing on the left. SO breathe ever 3 strokes! Hmmm, ok, I will try most anything once.
It was awkward, I swallowed water, but I can do it...not perfectly, but that will come in time.
About 40 minutes in, I am tired and probably resemble a drowned rat in need of rescue...

Yep, that is how I felt. But E and C were swimming two lanes over and I couldn't let them see me stop. Of course my swim was also being helped along by the artificial "open water swim" in lane 1...8 large women doing water aerobics and creating quite an amount of waves. They did not help me during the back stroke, definitely took in extra water thanks to the "hateful 8" as I dubbed them.
So we came to the end of the workout and Mr. D said I would be finished if I accomplished one last task...
I was listening because I had NOTHING left. "Swim 5 laps without touching bottom, holding the wall and if you mess up or panic, collect yourself and get back in...5 laps, Freestyle, breathing every 3 strokes and you are done!"
Double UGH!
I have NEVER swam 5 laps Freestyle non-stop.
Then it comes to me...I swam 1.2 miles non-stop in Gator water in a binding wetsuit and I was fine.
I am an IronWoman. And although E had left for Zumba, the thought of her reminding me of this echoed loudly in my head. I can do this!
And, guess what? I DID! Yes it was tough, yes it was hard but YES, I DID IT!
I swam today at the Y... the only one in the pool to entertain the lifeguard, worked on breathing every 3...
This ain't gonna be easy but I will get it...eventually!

Run safe, run happy and breathe every three!

2 Recipes to share!

So I made 2 new things this weekend while on my on my carb free adventure!

First up - breadless bread...if you are eating no/low carb or gluten free.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes
2 cups flax seed meal
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1-2 Tablespoons sweetening power from artificial sweetener
5 beaten eggs
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup oil
Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare pan (a 10X15 pan with sides works best) with oiled parchment paper or a silicone mat.
1) Mix dry ingredients well -- a whisk works well.
2) Add wet to dry, and combine well. Make sure there aren't obvious strings of egg white hanging out in the batter.
3) Let batter set for 2 to 3 minutes to thicken up some (leave it too long and it gets past the point where it's easy to spread.)
4) Pour batter onto pan. Because it's going to tend to mound in the middle, you'll get a more even thickness if you spread it away from the center somewhat, in roughly a rectangle an inch or two from the sides of the pan (you can go all the way to the edge, but it will be thinner).
5) Bake for about 20 minutes, until it springs back when you touch the top and/or is visibly browning even more than flax already is.
6) Cool and cut into whatever size slices you want. You don't need a sharp knife; I usually just cut it with a spatula.
At 12 servings, each piece of bread has less than one gram of net carbohydrates -- .8 to be exact -- plus 5 grams of fiber.

Egg Popovers - I love you can make these and have them to heat up quickly in the am and get out the door.

Using 2 - 6 muffin cup pans, this recipe will make 12.
Preheat ovent o 350 degrees.
Spray muffin tin with cooking spray.
Line each cup with either a slice of turkey or ham (not too thin) and it should hang over the edges.
In a mixing bowl mix 6 eggs, 6 egg whites, 1/2 - 3/4 cup shredded reduced fat cheddar.
Ladle out evenly among all the cups.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven, cool, then run a knife around the edge to loosen.
Eat one right out of the oven and place the rest in baggies for later!

Run safe, run happy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's a love thing...

So everyone knows I occassionally ride a bike...typically when it's warm, with friends, keep it fun and competitive, but I am by no means a "cyclist". This is one of the two things I agreed with myself to work on in 2010. So the YMCA offers Cycling classes and I am trying to become a regular.
I took my first cycling class from my Dad...yep, my Dad. He's 67 years old and can kick my butt in cycling class any day of the week.
Upon first going, I really had no expectations. I have learned in physical activity it's easier not to set yourself up when you do not know what to expect.
I have been going more frequently now and am trying to ramp it up to 3x per week. I have introduced myself to most of the instructors and even have my favorite bike in the room.
Yesterday I took a class lead by Dad...and as I was mashing along and sweat was pouring down my face and body, I wondered "what am I doing here?" I am sweating, hurting, smiling, singing, feeling good, pushing through and then it hit me - I was in love to be exact, with cycling.
I am glad to realize this now because up until then I was kind of on the fence. I wondered why I always had to be at the gym 30 minutes before class started just so I could be one of the first ones in the room. I wondered why I always had a sick grin on my face as I was pushing through a long climb or a mean cadence. I wondered why after class I felt rejuvenated and amazing. Now I know, I was in love...L-O-V-E.
So, now that I have a new "crush" and have admitted to myself that I really do enjoy this class, I think I will find it even easier to get myself to go.
It's okay to not always be smiling at my new crush, and it's okay to get a little mad when my crush works me too hard but in the end, I know now that I will want my crush to be impressed by me, so HELLO CYCLING CLASS, aka my new crush, look out!
I am so in love right now that I am signed up for my next beating, I mean, love session tonight at 6pm.
Tomorrow night, my first swim lesson, and I am sure I will have something to say about that!
-Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I know it's a sensitive subject...but...

So for those of you that know me, have run with me or have ever been around me...well, you know I am a bit obsessed with a sensitive topic...the bathroom duties. Being an IBS suffer and a runner really stinks - literally, but I use my sense of humor and try to at least find it something to laugh at to get through the "moment".  Unfortunately, for most of my friends, that means I talk about it. Yep, I talk about it.
Most people know that no topic is off limits to me, which is just part of the charm of me! Speaking of charms, let me show you my newest addition...

I love it! I bought it on It all came about in a search among some  friends of mine for a charm for me after a conversation about how I carry TP with me on every run. I find it fitting and adorable.
They had earrings but I thought that might be a bit overboard.

So rambling about this brought to mind a few "odd gadgets" I had seen that I had to share! Bare with me...
The Go-Girl...seriously? Their slogan is "Don't take life sitting down." Why not, I have taken it sitting down since I was 1 year old and have never had a problem. Apparently there is a need for this. Supposedly this is
the "cure" so us ladies can take care of business like a man. What? They post "Ok, so what’s a GoGirl? Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It’s a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to urinate while standing up. It’s neat. It’s discreet. It’s hygienic." Um, nope, I will stick to hovering when needed. I have no more words. Maybe the pink is suppose to sway me...

I came across this beauty in the Chic-Fil-A drive thru on a convertible VW Beetle...WHY anyone would put this on their car is beyond me.

Is this a new found way to get out of a speeding ticket, like a free pass for driving in a frenzy through rush hour? Maybe eating that greasy chicken filet sandwich and waffle fries isn't such a good idea if you have this on your bumper?
Trust me, I have been a victim of the "OMG I can't make it home..."but I have never felt the need to slap a sticker on my car stating that, but it's a free world.

Now there is something I find completely hilarious. And yes, I realize it makes me sound like I am 7 years old but I will take the bashing. iPhone hit the proverbial nail on the head with this one.
A fart application for the iPhone!

I can't get enough - what else can make me laugh in the middle of a horrible day. A co-worker of mine luckily also finds it hilarious and he can make any bad day seem better just by utilizing this stress relieving app with a touch of a finger, no pun intended. Princess is my an iPhone? You should definitely go to the App Store now!
This was going to be the last item I shared and I just found it hilarious. The Eco-Otome. I am on the fence with this one because I can see the point. You are in a stall, other people are lurking, chatting or also attempting to take care of business. It's awkward, you want to be quiet, you can't "wait"...whip out the Eco-Otome...

They post "We all know what's it like. You are sitting on the toilet and you know the people right outside can hear your every noise. Well, now we have the perfect product to help you in this embarrassing situation.

Small and clipping easily to your mobile, the Eco-Otome Toilet Sound Blocker makes the noise of a toilet flushing to hide the other noises you might be making. Press the button twice and the sound of flushing lasts for 25 seconds." I am neutral for now - I get it, I have been there but $19 when I can just wait and hope everyone leaves in time?

Okay, the Eco-Otome was going to be my last item to share but one more popped up...and it's only $69.
The Instant Cardboard Toilet Kit...??? How? Who? Really? Is this even appropriate anywhere? How do I

carry it on a long run? What do I do with it when I am done? I file this one under ridiculous. So, for now, I guess I will just wear my toilet paper roll charm, play the Fart App for a laugh and consider the Eco-Otome purchase and yell "IBS" as I run towards the Port-O-Lets.

Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Okay today's post is random carp about me...yes carp! Here we go!

Shoe Fetish - I admit it! I have a shoe fetish...not Manolo's or Louis or 9West...rather Brooks, Saucony, Nike, etc...running shoes! Oh I could spend the entire day trying them on, touching them, picking colors and if I was rich I'd own every color in every pair possible!

I am not at all embarassed that I had breast augmentation. I believe a woman should do whatever makes her feel good about her. Yes I know some women do it for the wrong reason, but for me it was truly the best thing I ever did for myself.  I don't hide it, I don't pretend I was "gifted by Mother Nature" is what it is - something important to me that makes me happy!

Yep, it's true...I have a messy closet! Well, not right now since the house is on the market, but typically yes! It's my own private mess and while the rest of the house is in perfect order I can always RIP that I have my own private chaos I can visit whenever I want! 'Nuff said!

I have the BEST PARENTS EVER! they are not June and Ward Cleaver, but I am glad. Because of them I am strong, independent and successful, I know who I am! If I had a chance to pick them I would hope I would be smart enough to see that all they did for me was for teach me about life, strength, heart and all I could do. I would be nothing without them. Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you!

In my fantasy life I AM Lara Croft! Why you ask? Power, strength, beauty AND she carries the best weapons!

Cursing - Yes, it's true...I love it! I love cursing. I know it's not "lady-like" but I will be honest, sometimes nothing feels better then letting a great eff word or ess word fly. Shake your head all you want but I suggest you try it sometime. It's really freeing and really makes you feel better...but of course, only if you are 18 or older!

Worrier - that's me! I worry about everything..all the time. It is something I just know about me.

I don't care what anyone says, Dallas is my team. Not that I actually WATCH football, care about football, keep up with football...because I don't. But they are the team my family (except my traitor sister, lol) has always supported. Plus, seriously and honestly, have you ever seen a prettier uniform?

If I could do anything I wanted for a living, I would own and work at my own Doggy Daycare! I remember the first time I ever visited one very clearly...2 ER nurses were standing outside peering over the fence. As I walked in, I asked them "are your dogs in there?" They said "No, we work at the ER up the road and come here sometime just so we can see something innocent, peaceful and doesn't expect anything from anyone." It is such an amazing and peaceful thing to be around. If you have one nearby, go peer over the fence and tell me if you disagree...I bet you won't.

Ahhh...sashimi! If I could eat it everyday, I would! The sweet nectar of the gods and always delivered beautifully. Funny thing is, I never liked it until I was in my mid 30's and a friend took me and told me I should try it. Boy, Les, you were right! If I win the lottery I will hire my own personal sushi chef and hopefully he will do dishes too because he can't just cut up fish all day, I mean really!

Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

As Irene Cara said "What a Feeling!"

I have to say this last weekend I was blessed with an awesome opportunity! Okay, a bit of history first…after my Orientation at the JC YMCA last week, a friend and fellow runner mentioned to me a “small project” he was working on and asked me if I was interested in helping. The project is setting up, providing the equipment for and coaching Richmond homeless to run the Monument Avenue 10K on March 27th. Dumb question…of course immediately I was interested. I went home and blasted out to friends on FaceBook my need for shoes and workout clothes…having no idea what, if anything, the people who showed up to run would have, we needed to be prepared. The response was awesome! And things are still coming in…

Okay, so Saturday was the day. I met DB and MB at the JC YMCA, got there early so we could sort out all the clothes by size and gender – wow, we had some great stuff. My hubby came by with his donation – he cleaned out his closet and dresser just for this – and he added another entire lawn and leaf bag of clothes.

Then – it was time! Here they were – we were expecting maybe one or two but ended up with 10! WOW! We all introduced ourselves, passed out liability waivers and the race entry form and got all the paper work out of the way. It was a little sad – no one had an “emergency contact” and a few were worried about coming back because they saw the $50 race fee on the form and they knew they couldn’t pay it. We explained to them that we were taking care of their race fees, we didn’t want them to worry about anything but coming out to run and have fun!

Next we all split up among the crowd – and let me say this – my hubby who planned on dropping off his stuff and leaving was still here, and stayed the entire 3 hours helping (thank you B) we split up in order to work with all the people to make sure they had what they needed. I worked with the shoes at first. Have you ever walked up to a man who has nothing, handed him a new pair of shoes and seen a smile that glows brighter than the sun. I must admit I was a bit choked up. Think about it – what if you wanted to workout but you couldn’t because other than the jeans, thermals, 4 shirts, jacket and boots you had on (because if you left any of them at the shelter they would be stolen) was all you had? I won’t name names, but let me tell you this group of people inspired me. Shoes were going on, faces were smiling, clothes were being handed out, it was crazy. The group seemed a bit apprehensive of just walking up to the tables and taking anything, almost like they felt they needed permission. One young gentleman, probably late 20’s, I had paired up with him and was going through clothes. Got his shorts, a few shirts, a sweatshirt, shoes…then he stopped me and asked ever so quietly, “Miss Dee, other than these jeans I have on, I do not have any other pants, do you think maybe there is a pair of running pants here that I might try?” Okay, so as I teared up thinking about my 15 pairs of jeans at home I turned and spotted my hubs and I asked the young man what size waist he had – “30” he said and I yelled for Bob, elated knowing they were the same size (well, really Bob is more of a 31 now but he donated stuff he wasn’t wearing and those were 30” and don’t tell him I said this) – and there he went, he got windpants, coordinating shirt, jacket , etc. I had to, at this point, just stop for a minute and sit down.

It really is so easy to take the simplest of things for granted. The roof over my head, the car I drive to wherever I want to go, eating out, having the things I have – and here I stand in a room with 10 people who have nothing, literally nothing and they are so thankful for the tiniest things. Gosh I am so lucky to be part of this!

So we finished getting everyone outfitted, got them all laundry bags so we could take their clothes each week after the runs and clean them, found out what items we still needed to get together this week and then it was time – for the first run as a group!

DB was so elated and excited he could barely contain himself. This idea had been something he wanted to do for a few years and here it was – forming beautifully right before his eyes. We all headed outside and crossed the street and we were on our way. Some ran up front with DB the entire distance, some obviously ran too fast due to excitement and had to drop back and MB picked them up, and I stayed in the back with “T” and “R” – our walkers, and we chatted the entire mile (I know, unbelievable that I would chat, hahaha!)

As “T” and I ended the run in front of the Y, with the rest of the group standing there clapping as I announced that “T” and I demanded applause wherever we went, I was again so overwhelmed. As a runner, and I am a passionate runner, I cannot imagine if I didn’t have running in my life. And here before me stood 10 courageous people, who didn’t know any of us and took a chance and trusted us and let us in their lives.

Maybe some would say they are lucky that this group came together - not me – I would say I am lucky this group came together – it has touched my heart and soul and I can’t wait til our next run!

Run safe, run thankful, run happy!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

10 observations from my day...

The day started good, up and ready to head to Hot Yoga to try to loosen up my back.
First observation: I am not the only person that likes to get there 30 minutes early to "lay claim" to a favorite spot in the 105 degree yoga much to say, there was one woman who was insistant another person move out of her way to ensure she could see in the mirror.  This happens often. As people venture into the studio, others glare at them, wondering if they will block their view. It's amusing to watch. I could frankly care less about seeing myself soaking wet and in a floor to ceiling mirror for 90 minutes.
Second observation: I can never get over how comfortable and free some people are about their bodies...this was brought to mind as I was washing my hands in the "ladies room" (a 20x20 foot open space with 2 stalls, 2 showers, a bench and a sink). I have to say I somewhat admire the 40 something woman who just strips down to nothing while casually chatting with anyone she that anyone was me.
Observation #3: I am all about being comfortable when you workout, don't get me wrong but - if you are a 60+ male, not "in shape" and, well (excuse me), packing a squirrel, I don't need you in a bikini right in front of me for 90 wasn't like he looked like this:

Man that WASN'T in my class...

I know everyone else was thinking the same thing, I know it's mean, but I am honest.
So I was done and off to the YMCA for a shower and fresh clothes to head to my run downtown...
Finished my first group run and headed home to make my grocery lists. To appease the new household bugdet, I agreed to start shopping for what I can (non-perishables) at BJ's to save money.
Observation #4: People in parking lots are lazy and rude! Yep, I bet you didn't know this. Someone will sit and wait for a front row spot JUST to not have to walk 30 feet, and can I say that these are usually the people that need the extra exercise...again, mean, I know but still being honest.
Observation #5: Have you ever been in a superstore on a Saturday night? I hadn't and it was eye opening...
Where are all of these people during the day? I was especially interested and a bit scared by the man that circled me and my basket a few times grumbling "Umm, helloooooo" under his breath. Ick.
Observation #6: Wow! Who knew! Did you know they sell SPAM in a 4 pack? Spaghetti noodles in an 8 pack? Seriously, bulk is the way to go!
I loaded down my basket to the point I was moving in slo-mo to the checkout.
Which brings me to observation #7: Self-checkout. Yep, it sounds like a good idea but, did you ever notice that you never get through it unscathed? You always have that rogue item that acts like it scans, starts down the conveyor belt then continuously returns as "unable to process" until you have that stupid light blinking for help...self checkout never really is SELF check out!
Observation # 8: How come I always end up on these major shopping trips alone? So I am destine to wheel out my mass purchase to the car by myself and take 20 minutes to try to load everything into the car...exhausting. Oh and where is the hubs? That's right, at home watching football on the couch - perfect!
So I hit Ukrop's for the few items I still need and head home.
Observation #9: The good never out weighs the bad. So I arrive home triumphant with my money-saving shopping spree, my lovely bulk items ready to be tucked away and I am hit! "So, how much did you spend?" Can't they wait? Can't they praise our efforts before asking the question?
I dutifully separated the items that were 25% fridge, 75% freezer, announcing proudly each bulk item I had acquired. Waltzing around like a showgirl on The Price Is Right! Yes, I am a little nuts but it was becoming fun. Everything had a place in my pantry haven...a bit more crowded than usual but I must have a place for everything!

My Pantry Haven!

So everything has it's place and I am ready to settle down for the night. My new purchases all put away and my menus planned for the week.
Observation #10: I am tired!
Run safe, run happy!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here it is, by popular demand! Dee's Chicken and Spinach Lasagna

Dee's Chicken and Spinach Lasagna
(this recipe will make one large 13" by 9" deep pan lasagna OR 2 - 11" by 6", 3 1/2" deep pans, so you can make 2 and freeze one or share with a friend, or cut everything in half and make one small one for just you.

3 pounds of chicken breasts - boneless, skinless 1 box of frozen chopped spinach (thawed and all the water squeezed out)
16 oz Fat Free Ricotta
4 cups of Low Fat Shredded Mozzerella
2 eggs
2 jars of marinara (Spaghetti size, I use Paul Newman's Marinara)
1 box Barilla "rolled flat like homemade, no boil lasagne noodles" - best invention ever!
1 fresh garlic with 2 cloves cleaned for each chicken breast

Chicken - Preheat oven to 325, open and rinse chicken, place in lightly greased baking dish. Cut 2 slits in each breast and insert a garlic clove. Bake for 50 minutes. Remove garlic, cool and chop into bite size pieces, set aside.
While chicken is cooking, in a mixing bowl mix 16 oz of fat free ricotta, 2 cups of the mozzerella, the spinach, 2 eggs, and some garlic powder.
Now I will build the lasagna - this is for one 11" by 6", 3 1/2" deep pan, so if you are building 2 side by side, or double this for the large pan.

Take 11" by 6", 3 1/2" deep pan, place 1/3 cup of marinara and spread across pan.
Place a lasagne noodle, plus another half of one (they break easily) across the marinara on the bottom of pan.
Take 1/2 cup of the ricotta mixture in your hand and pat it across the noodle.
Scoop of a handful of the chicken and cover the ricotta with chicken (don't be stingy, cover it)
Sprinkle on a 1/2 cup of the mozzerella and then cover with a 1/2 cup of the marinara.
Repeat that 2 more times so you have three layers of the noodle, ricotta, chicken, cheese and sauce.
Place another layer of noodles, then top with 1/2 cup of marinara and 1/2 cup of mozzerella.
Cover with foil and place in preheated 350 degree oven for 50 minutes, removing the foil for the last five minutes.
Run safe, run happy!

Okay, so it's not so bad...

...really. Okay, I do admit to sniffing the candy basket at work the last two days, but, come on, it's candy.
They said the first 3 days are the hardest and as I coast in to the second half of day three, the "toughness" is fading.
If you do not know me very well, bread and chips are totally a weakness for me and rice, pasta and such have always been a constant staple in my daily meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Changing my routine was pretty simple because I am a planner and I just have to stay no carb for 4 weeks, well not totally no carb, but only 5 net grams of carbs every 5 hours, which is low.
But the salads and veggies I LOVE.
Okay so as I got up this morning, I have to say, although I know it isn't true, I already felt a bit more svelte. That bloated feeling I normally have is gone and I really haven't been hungry as I have been eating my meals and snacks consistently.
I think one trick will be eating out. My favorite thing is sushi, I know I will be okay there because I can drop the rice and still enjoy the fish. What about Nacho Mama's - fajitas minus wraps, beans, cheese and no chips and salsa.
Another challenge will be eating at friend's houses...I can't demand that anyone cook to please my diet, but then again, even with how I was eating before this, it was a challenge and I sometime had to not partake of some things.
The more I think about it, how come if we workout all the time and watch what we eat, our reward can't just be to grant us a hot body? Just clone Charlize Theron and give me her body and I will forever eat well and workout.
Some think I stress too much over this, and yes I know I have body image issues, but if you are unhappy with yourself, you are the only one that can change it. I will be honest here, having been a 250 pound woman, I know it was a great thing to lose the weight and get healthy. But still when I look in the mirror I see a bigger person, I see imperfections, I see cellulite, I see where there could be more muscle tone.
I am almost 42 and I am not worried about wrinkles or gray hair, I can live with those. Plus, my Mom is 66 and I will tell you she still looks great and hopefully I am blessed with her genes.
I have a pair of pants that I wore in the picture that I had posted when Bob and I met. I can get them on, by painting them on...barely but no zip, no button...ugh. So those pants are my goal pants.
Alright, enough rambling...time for my mid afternoon snack of celery and swiss cheese. ;-)
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Okay, I said I would never do it...

...and now I am doing it...starting tomorrow on a low-carb detox.
Yep, gonna do it.
So, I allowed all the meats I want, low fat cheese, nuts, veggies - umm, the good ones...who knew carrots were bad?
No fruit, no bread (just stick it directly on my bum), no rice, no pasta.
I eat 5-6 times a day - 3 meals, 3 snacks. I get 5 net carbs every 5 hours.
I am packed for tomorrow. Pre workout is a hard boiled egg which is on the "good food" list.
Post workout is my SoyMilk Whey Protein Shake minus my normal addition of the Stage 2 Gerber Baby food fruit (17 carbs) so just the soy milk and whey puts me at 5 carbs! Good!
Mid-morning snack is celery and Laughing Cow Low Fat Swiss (also on the good list), yay me.
Lunch is a huge bowl of cabbage, spinach, onion and chicken topped with a wonderful olive oil based greek and feta dressing.
Did you know that if you use fat free salad dressing there is nothing to break down all the nutrients in your salad to absorb the goodness?
Mid afternoon snack is nuts, because...yep, they are on the "good list", and I already measured the one portion size into baggies.
Dinners will remain the same planned menu - Bob was concerned his diet would change and he NEEDS carbs apparently (b*astard, grrr), so I will make the same menu but I will not eat the dinner carb that he does.
That's it...It's suppose to be an 8 week detox but not having that much to lose to get to maintenance, I will go 4 weeks and see where I am...
After the detox, Stage 2 - more to come!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

So proud of my sister! Her first race!

I have been coaching my sister and this NY day was amazing!
I had signed her up for the Hair Of The Dog 5K on NY Day as her first race!
I was worried she wouldn't go because of the cold, but, as I called her, after our night of partying and dancing...she answered and she was READY!
We were off. We headed to Mt. Trashmore, cold and windy morning and ready to race.
We walked up to packet pickup and got our chips and numbers.
She had never used a shoe chip timer before or a bib number. I got her chipped and bibbed and we headed to the start.
First we hit the ladies room, she was cold but tough (Blackmon spirit!).
We went to the start line and we said our goodbyes, I told her I would see her after I finished, that I would run back to her and walk her in.
So we running, her walking.
I went to the first turn around and thought for a minute about my first race and how I felt and all the support I had.
As I came back, I told Dean to go on and I looked through the crowd of racers and there she was, my sister!
I hopped over and told her I was going to walk with her. We would finish together.
She told me not to "ruin my race" but she was stuck with me.
I told stories of past races, poo stories, injuries, etc...yelled encouragement and keep going...some jogging, walking and a bit faster each mile.
Her determination, her inspiration...I was so proud.
We rounded the last bend, finish line in site and here come Bob, Dean, Dennis and Beverley and Judy are cheering!
She crosses the finish line and I find out later, she was a bit choked up!
My sister, her first 5k and both goals accomplished - she finished and in under an hour!
It was heaven!
Next up, Monument Avenue 10K Training Team! I CAN'T WAIT!

Toe to Toe...can a shoe really can make a difference?

Can a shoe really make the difference?
Okay, so New Year's Eve is my anniversary so every year I am faced with the challenge of not only finding a NYE dress but topping the dress from the year before because I HAVE to look more beautiful (lol) than the year before for my husband (not that he demands it, he tells me I am always beautiful) but for me to feel like I am still as beautiful in his eyes.  Get it?
First I had the dress fiasco from h-e-double hockey sticks...I was so consumed with other things that on December 30th I woke up and on my way to work realized I hadn't even thought about a dress! I mean, this was unreal...2007 was by far my favorite. I loved that dress....

The dress...

And last year was okay...but this year I wanted something different. I panicked and sent out a FaceBook message desperate for help. The emails poured in, girlfriends offering up their closets and dresses, so sweet, so appreciated.
So, on a few tips, I headed to White House Black Market on my lunch hour PRAYING for a miracle.
And a miracle I found...her name was Ellen. I had driven to Short Pump Towne Center with 50 minutes and a hope of coming out with something that didn't make me look like I belonged dancing on a pole or at a prom!
I walked in, found Ellen and told her I was desperate. She quickly pulled 8 dresses and I went to work.
40 minutes, start to finish I was in and out with a respectable and amazing dress and a new found respect for salespeople during the holiday rush.
So I was good right? Well, not exactly...I had the dress, hose, Spanx (yep, never go out w/o them) but I had one more key decision to make but no more
So, I awoke on NYE morning, hit SealTeam workout an then knew I had one hour when the mall opened at 9am to get the key item that would make or break the outfit...the shoes!
Yep, the shoes...I had the safe, black sling back satin peep toe pumps. The ones I can wear to anything and fit in, but I wanted to feel young and sexy and sassy! I had gone to DSW the night before and nothing struck me. I was off - one hour, one mall and a few stores that boast shoes that could compete.
WHBM, nothing. Saxon, nothing...really? Nordstrom's - didn't even venture, I mean I do have an allowance!
Anne Taylor, H&M, etc...NOTHING. So I head to Macy's and there it was...the shoe to beat all others. It cost more than my dress! Should I dare? Should I try it on? What if I love it?
I caved...I put it on and WOW, toe to toe, this shoe vs.the standard black satin peep toe sling back pump?
I admit - no contest!
Paired with my new dress - this COULD be it. So I buy it thinking "I will take both pairs and see which pair is best come time to decide.If I don't wear them, I can return them."
Time to dress - the decision - the choice has to be made. If I wear them tonight I can't return them...
So I do my make-up, Spanx are on, dress on, hair, jewelry AND...put on one of each shoe...
WINNER,WINNER, Chicken Dinner! Okay, so I won't be buying anything else new for a month tell me -

THE shoe!

If you had to choose, which one would you have picked!
Toe to toe, hands down, the sexy shoe won and it felt great!
Yes, a shoe really can make a difference (and they were comfortable all night on the dance floor)!
Run safe, run happy!