Thursday, April 29, 2010

It is almost time! Tough Mudder!

Tough Mudder is now right around the corner!
And I am stoked beyond belief.
It seems like an eternity ago that we signed up for this and now it's 3 days away!
Team "Happy Slackers" hits the road for Macungie, PA to race the Tough Mudder!
(you can read my original post here with race and obstacle descriptions)
Who knows what the day will hold other than me competing with all of my heart and having fun!
I will post pictures and post race report on Monday...IF I am not so sore I can't move and in that case it will be Tuesday!
Wish me luck, this will by far be the hardest race I have ever done, but don't count me out!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Another GREAT Giveaway!

And on Tricia's blog...Endurance Isn't Only Physical...The Silver Maple Jewelry Giveaway!
I wanted to share but secretly hope I win!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Check out this great giveaway for Racing With Babes!

Awesome giveaway from Racign with Babes...check it out here!
Run safe, run happy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You are reading the blog of a Sponsored Athlete.

Yep, it’s true…I got it in writing and everything. You are reading the blog of a Sponsored Athlete.

“Do what?” you say? I know, I was a little surprised myself.
It all came about back on March 24th with a short email from Dr. G (known to some out here in Bloggy World as “the Witch Doctor”) asking simply “What do you think?” and a few attached files.
I opened the files and they were proofs of a Triathlon tank and shorts bearing the AC logo. The stuff looked sharp and I admit I had a little drool on my chin.
I didn’t mind sending my opinion at all…he had emailed his wife MB and I, obviously he knows I have good taste. I replied back with my thoughts and we all talked about changing some of the colors, me pointing out the obvious issue of having white in certain places on both the tank and shorts that would be going into and coming out of water in front of a crowd! I am no fan of the see thru Tri Suits and I am typically one of the first to point them out during the swim – mainly because I am such a sucky swimmer that I have all the time in the world to hang out in the last row of swimmers, so I get to see every frickin’ swimmer go by as they exit the water.
We all gave our opinions and thoughts and then I got it…THE email…
The one that said “Dee – use the attached chart to pick out your sizes.”
WHAT? I get clothes? I get clothes with an actual logo?
I was thrilled…as non-elite as I am, he wants me to wear his company’s name on uber-kewl clothing in races! WOW!
So I emailed him back and thanked him graciously and then asked him to let me know what the cost of the tri suit was so I could send him the money.
His reply was this “I hope you don’t mind but the cost is pretty hefty. The final price is to race with passion, happiness and enthusiasm. Oh wait, you already rock all 3! You are covered as a sponsored athlete!’
I really had no words – I sat there in my chair and teared up. I immediately called my Hubs and, of course, my Mom and Dad.
Some of you may have already heard this news but I decided to blog it because last night I got an email from my “sponsor” saying it is time to pick my races for the season! So, I am now on the hunt for 3 triathlons and 2 running races for which I will be sponsored.
I can’t wait for my tri suit to come in…and maybe it’s a bit silly going on about this but I am really proud and excited.
For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am by NO MEANS an elite athlete, heck, I don’t even place unless there is 3 or less women in my Age Group.
What I will tell you is this…I love that no matter how slow or fast, that I have the ability to get out there and compete.
I love that my body allows me to do everything that I do.
AND I love that I will be doing it in a really COOL Tri Suit this season!
Run safe, run happy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just Plain Disappointed All The Way Around...

So, this past Saturday was the Charlottesville Marathon - (trust me, I am not cheering).
As you read in my earlier post last week, I was so excited about this race. The trip with the girl's, the excitement and expectation of the great running town of C'Ville, just all together EX-CIT-ED!
Well, that has passed...
So Friday was packet pickup for us. At the local and sponsoring running store - small, quaint shop, no hooplah, just a store, our race bibs, a bag and off we went - and I was fine with that.
Not all races have expos, and trust me, not all expos are great (ask me about Nike Women's in San Fran).
As we left the packet pickup, I must say I commented again to Judy and Maggie about how few porta-potties there were right there at the starting line...that should have been a warning.
We had a super fun girls night, hanging in the room, jetting out for late night pizza slices, teaching Maggie how to use the internet on her phone and Judy learning not to leave her PC logged into FaceBook and unguarded.
We were up at 5am on Saturday - with a leave time out the door at 5:30am for the little over a mile walk to the start.
This post will be broken into 2 posts - my report of the course/race support and then my personal experience.

Allow me to be clear, I am not posting my opinions or observations to sway anyone from this marathon, but I feel it an injustice to fellow runners if I do not share my experience.
Once we all got there and headed to the porta-potty line, we realized there was no way the hundred and something people were going to get thru the 9 provided toilets, so we opted for a bush and a transformer and then headed to the corral.
So there is an 8k, a Half Marathon and the Full. We looked for the designated starting corrals for each and there was NONE. They had 8k runners all mixed in with the half and full marathon runners! WHAT?
So off we go and it's s-l-o-w...we had all made our deals to run our own race. Per usual, within the first mile and a half, Maggie was warmed up and on her way, soon to be out of sight until she finished - GO MAGGIE!
Judy and I hung together and Jill and Kim were shortly behind us (they were running the half).
I mentioned to Judy that I would surely need a bathroom by mile 4, which is typically when you see a toilet in a marathon, we will see.
As we got closer to the 2.5, I noticed the 8ker's on their out and back were fighting, yes, fighting like salmon going upstream, to get past the hoards of us half and full runners hogging up the tiny path. We weren't even on a road at this point and I felt so sorry for them and kept yelling "Move left, runners coming through" but between the earphones and socializing, most didn't listen and many of the front running 8ker's were literally having to break stride and yell for room to get by.
We passed mile 4 and no sign of a wasn't until mile 5.5 that there was a potty stop at the water table - yep, 2 toilets...I waited 14 minutes to go...
So we continued on the wrenchingly boring first half of the course - which was an out and back to 13.1 (where we would drop the halfer's at their finish) - so that meant bathrooms (2) at 5.5 and again the same 2 at mile 8 when we came back and that was it...seriously?
Charlottesville Marathon advertises itself as the "most scenic marathon course in the country"...let me tell you it was not...the first 13.1 out and back - other than a quick run past the UVA Rotunda and one big fancy house, I saw nothing but blacktop, and normal houses and a few fields. Nothing stood out as memorable or even scenic. I find Riverside Drive in my own back yard to be a much more memorable stretch than this first 13.1 miles.
Okay, so we make it back into "town" towards the half finish and then marathoners split left to do a 6.5 mile loop twice then back in to the finish we split left Judy and I were hoping for the scenic part of this marathon to kick in, as well as we hoped for some bathrooms...the Gu was talking to me and we hadn't seen one since that last sad one at mile 8.
We hit the 14 mile marker and (no potty) began a even more boring run through a "less that nice" subdivision.
I will tell you that at this point we finally realized something else out loud - absolutely NO SPECTATORS...NONE! Not that I need an audience to run but here we are in one of the most runner friendly, most beautiful, country scenic scenery, no spectators - I wasn't feeling the L-O-V-E.
About mile 16, what I was feeling was hungry. The promised "Gu on the course" and occassional table with chips or pretzels was non-existent. I looked over my shoulder and getting ready to pass Judy and I was a woman who's hubby was "running a bit with her" while he was pushing two toddlers in a B.O.B.
I commented "Great, not only am I being passed, but I am being passed by a man pushing two kids in a stroller..." He chuckled and said he was just coming in for a few miles. Then I asked for a ride to which he responded "Can't give you a ride, but how about a fruit rollup or some juice?" Nah, I said..."Nilla Wafers?" he asked - SCORE! I was in, yes sir may I have some! I dropped one on the ground but he, Judy and I all yelled "3 second rule" and I picked it up and ate it. I would have eaten it had it dropped in mud at this point.
Pardon my wandering - but that THAT was literally the highlight of our race - a husband pushing two kids and offering Nilla Wafers to strange ladies while running.
So on we went, we are half way thru the first loop and still no bathrooms and we would see nothing else race associated since the water table at mile 14 until we made the complete first loop, and that includes no bathrooms still (there would be none until the finish line).
Something else we didn't see - First Aid - we saw one ambulance at the 5.5/8 mile marker (they are both the same spot) and again we saw one ambulance somewhere around mile 18.
No course marshalls in sight (atleast to us at any time) so if we did have a medical issue, who would find us, who would report it, who would help us?
Not to mention, the course was open to traffic which left us hoping the cars saw the occassional orange cone and didn't run us over.
The finish area was small and there was no fanfare or cheering other than a dozen or so people that were obviously waiting for runners to come in.
There were no bottles of water, just a table with some cups, a small tent with a piece of pizza and a banana and at 4 hours in to the race, they were already out of ice for injuries....which leads me to part 2 of this post...
Why was I at the finish line before the 4 hour mark?
I knew by mile 8 that my hamstring wasn't going to make the distance...
At 13 I as going to go out, but Judy said she was going out with me and I couldn't have that...
So I struggled the first of the the 2 loops on the back half and at mile 18 as I trudged up a brutal hill and I told  Judy I was going for the second loop.
When I got to the split for finishers of the 2  loops to go in to the finish, or one timers to make their second loop, I told Judy I was toast.
I peeled my chip off my bib, tossed it in the trash and headed in at 20.2 and claimed no time.
Not only did I run a "P.U." (personal underachievement, lent to me by MomOf3) but I got to claim my first DNF (Did Not Finish) - Yep!
I like to think part of it was me being smart and the other part was possibly because it was the worst race course ever, but truly I was smart and I am okay with my DNF, I will live to run another day.
I hate being negative, really I do. I try to see the best in things all the time, but honestly this $90 marathon was some of the worst money I have ever spent.
My expectation of a beautiful town like Charlottesville and the title "Country's Most Scenic Marathon", I was expecting rolling hills, scenic countryside, breath-taking real estate...NOT!
We still went to McDonald's (because 20 miles qualifies me for a BigMac and fries) and I still had a wonderful trip with the girls, it just had a crappy race and race course in the middle of it!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

GIVEAWAY! GoLite HydroClutch Water Bottle Product Review and Giveaway

Running Diva Mom has posted a GoLite HydroClutch Water Bottle Product Review and Giveaway
Check out this awesome new giveaway here!
Run safe, run happy!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fabulous Friday

I will tell you why this Friday is FABULOUS!

I am heading out of town for a marathon with some of my absolutely favorite girlfriends!

Team HCB - Maggie, Judy, Jill and I are heading to Charlottesville and Judy’s daughter Kim is joining us.

Maggie, Judy and I will be running (not racing, let’s be clear) the Charlottesville Marathon and Jill and Kim are running..and Kim IS racing…the Charlottesville Half Marathon.

I liked that Momof3 shared her and RacingwithBabes’ acronym with me – I will be running a P.U. – Personal Underachievement! -thanks G!

Back in January SOMEONE had the brilliant idea that we should run a Spring marathon.

Actually it was all three of us, but we knew after the 50 Miler and the commitment to coach for the 10k January – March, that we wouldn’t be in any shape to race a marathon. We honestly haven’t had the time to train. And to be honest with you, I am over racing for time (but that totally does not mean I wasn’t super stoked with my 2nd place in my AG last weekend) so we decided that C’Ville is close, and supposedly labeled the country’s most scenic marathon, so what the heck.

I love, love, love traveling with these girls and we have been to California, Boston, Florida, Myrtle Beach, D.C.,etc. together and I have never had a dull moment.

Judy – or Dudy as I call her, is the resident “Mom” of the bunch. The woman packs everything and always makes sure anyone in her posse is well taken care of. She’s great at it and we love her for it.

This weekend we will be staying at one of C’Ville’s finest hotel – La Posada Roja de Techo – or as most folks know it, The Red Roof Inn. Hmmm. The roommates situation is easy. Maggie doesn’t mind that I am a night owl and Judy always passes out early. So that is set.

I have scoped out a bunch of local restaurants – and am secretly crossing my fingers for Mexican.

The course is said to be hilly. I never look at course maps pre-race, I prefer surprises.

Anyhoo, I know the night away with be a fun one, and I promise to share the post race recap with you once I get back and have time to write.

I do know I will be enjoying a Big Mac and large fries with my girls around noon on Saturday!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three Things Thursday: Body Glide, Plantar Warts and the Lost Sock!

Okay, so excuse if my blog gets a little personal, but hey, that’s just me!

Apparently I have a total mental block when it comes to applying Body Glide before a long run.

For any of you unfamiliar, Body Glide is:
“a skin protectant that creates an invisible barrier on your skin to prevent blisters, chafing or any skin discomfort caused by friction”…which is great…WHEN you actually remember to put it on. Seems I always remember about 10 miles into a long run, about the time my shorts are saturated from sweat and humidity and the friction of the material is setting my inner thighs on FIRE!
That being said.,. if anyone could come up with a good reminder system for me, my inner thighs (which remain constantly scarred from humid runs sans Body Glide) would totally be your best friend!

Onto brighter topics – ever had a Plantar’s wart…
On the bottom of your foot…
On the ball of your foot…
Where I, being a forefoot runner, land every time my foot hits the ground.
Yep, it’s not fun and if you know me, I am not about to go to the doctor, have him want to “cut” something out of my foot and leave my unable to run for any length of time. Not…gonna…happen.
So I have tried a few home remedies without luck, so I am wondering if anyone else has had any luck with a home remedy? Please help.

Lastly, (and I am off body parts) I have lost one half of my MOST FAVORITE pair of cycling socks and I am devastated!
Yes - the pair of socks that rode on EVERY road bike ride last year, the pair of socks that I sometimes wore dirty because I hadn’t done laundry and I had a ride, the pair of socks that, well, unfortunately got peed on during the Ironman last fall (yes, sometimes it happens, you pee your pants on the bike, trust me it’s NOT just me).

I love(d) these socks…I cannot find them anywhere. It's a Balega ankle sock in pink and white. I am nserting a picture here and maybe, just maybe some magical person in the universe will read this and find me another pair which I would happily pay dearly for.

Run safe, run happy!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 More Recipes!

Grilled Greek Chicken Sandwiches

Speed your way to a great-tasting Greek sandwich seasoned with lemon and oregano. It's better than take-out! From eatbetteramerica.

Prep Time:30 min

Start to Finish:30 min

makes:2 sandwiches

Cucumber Sauce

1/4cup Yoplait® Original Fat Free plain yogurt

1/3cup finely chopped seeded cucumber

1medium green onion, sliced (1 tablespoon)

1teaspoon grated lemon peel

Dash salt and pepper


2teaspoons lemon juice

1teaspoon olive or vegetable oil

1/4teaspoon dried oregano leaves

Dash salt and pepper, if desired

2boneless skinless chicken breasts (4 oz each)

1pita (pocket) bread (6 inch), cut in half to form pockets

1small tomato, sliced

2thin slices red onion

1.Heat gas or charcoal grill. In small bowl, mix sauce ingredients. Set aside. (Sauce may become watery if it stands longer than 30 minutes.)

2.In another small bowl, mix lemon juice, oil and oregano. Brush lemon mixture over chicken, coating all sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3.Place chicken on grill. Cover grill; cook cook over medium heat 15 to 20 minutes, turning once, until juice of chicken is clear when center of thickest part is cut (170°F). Wrap pita halves in foil; place on grill 1 to 2 minutes or until warm.

4.Place chicken, tomato and onion inside pita pockets. Top with sauce.

High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): No change.

Nutritional Information

1 Sandwich: Calories 290 (Calories from Fat 60); Total Fat 7g (Saturated Fat 1 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 75mg; Sodium 340mg; Total Carbohydrate 23g (Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 7g); Protein 33g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 15%; Vitamin C 15%; Calcium 15%; Iron 10% Exchanges: 1 Starch; 1/2 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 4 Very Lean Meat; 1 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 1 1/2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Yoplait is a registered trademark of YOPLAIT Marques Internationales SAS (France) used under license.

Orange Roughy with Kiwifruit and Walnuts

A kiss of kiwi-basil-orange sauce and a crunch of sautéed walnuts top this easy-to-make skillet fish. From eatbetteramerica.

Prep Time:20 min

Start to Finish:20 min

makes:2 servings

2orange roughy, sole or other mild-flavored fish fillets (1/2 lb)

1tablespoon butter or margarine

2tablespoons coarsely chopped walnuts

1 1/2teaspoons cornstarch

1/4teaspoon salt

1/3cup Progresso® chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)

1/3cup orange juice

1 1/2teaspoons chopped fresh or 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves

1kiwifruit, peeled, sliced

2cups hot cooked white or wild rice

1.Spray 10-inch skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium heat. Add fish; cook about 8 minutes, carefully turning once, until fish flakes easily with fork. Place fish on serving platter; keep warm. Drain oil from skillet.

2.In same skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Cook walnuts in butter, stirring frequently, until golden. Remove walnuts from skillet.

3.Stir cornstarch and salt into butter remaining in skillet. Stir in broth, orange juice and basil. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Carefully stir in kiwifruit until coated. Spoon sauce over fish; sprinkle with walnuts. Serve over rice.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 460 (Calories from Fat 120); Total Fat 13g (Saturated Fat 4 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 80mg; Sodium 1210mg; Total Carbohydrate 58g (Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 8g); Protein 29g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 6%; Vitamin C 45%; Calcium 6%; Iron 15% Exchanges: 3 1/2 Starch; 1/2 Fruit; 0 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 2 1/2 Very Lean Meat; 2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 4

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Root Beer Barbecue Beef Sandwiches

Try this beef sandwich recipe from eatbetteramerica.

Prep Time:30 min

Start to Finish:10 hr 30 min

makes:16 Sandwiches

1boneless beef rump roast (4 lb) (I went for a smaller roast, about 3 pounds)

2cups barbecue sauce

1cup root beer

Dash salt and pepper, if desired

16sandwich buns, split (I chose to serve these on whole wheat pitas with a coleslaw)

1.In 3 1/2- to 4-quart slow cooker, place beef. In 4-cup measuring cup or bowl, mix 1 1/2 cups of the barbecue sauce and the root beer; pour over beef.

2.Cover; cook on Low heat setting 10 to 12 hours.

3.About 20 minutes before serving, remove beef from slow cooker; place on large plate. Pour juices from slow cooker into 12-inch skillet. Cook over medium-high heat about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until juices are thickened and reduced to about 3 cups. Meanwhile, shred beef with 2 forks; return to slow cooker.

4.Stir remaining 1/2 cup barbecue sauce into reduced juices in skillet; pour over shredded beef in slow cooker. Stir in salt and pepper to taste. Spoon about 1/2 cup beef mixture into each bun.

Nutritional Information

1 Sandwich: Calories 310 (Calories from Fat 50); Total Fat 5g (Saturated Fat 1 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 60mg; Sodium 570mg; Total Carbohydrate 36g (Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 15g); Protein 29g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 0%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 8%; Iron 25% Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch; 1 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 3 Lean Meat Carbohydrate Choices: 2 1/2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Monday, April 12, 2010

10 Recipes to share!

P90X Turkey Chili

Chili is one of the dishes that's actually fun to make and healthy to eat. If you check out Beachbody's (or anyone else's) fast-food guides, you'll see that Wendy's® chili is one of your healthiest fast-food options. With tomatoes for vitamins, beans for fiber, and some kind of meat or other protein source, the myriad chili recipes out there offer lots of options for a well-balanced meal. Here's a good basic recipe, but half the fun of chili-making is improvisation. That's why chili cookoffs are so popular. Spice it up if you have an iron stomach, or substitute your favorite lean meat or textured vegetable protein. Experiment with different beans and other legumes. The chili pot also can be a great repository for soon-to-spoil leftovers. Just try to avoid certain popular mix-ins like cheese and sour cream that add more fat than flavor. Also, when buying ground turkey, look for extra-lean or all-breast meat. Many "lean" varieties of ground turkey have as much fat as hamburger.

· 1 lb. ground turkey, extra lean

· 2 Tbsp. olive oil

· 1 large onion, chopped

· 2 cloves garlic, chopped

· 1 bell pepper, chopped

· 1 large can (28 oz.) tomatoes, crushed or diced

· 1 can (12 oz.) tomato sauce

· 1 can (15 oz.) kidney or pinto beans, rinsed

· 2 tsp. chili powder (or more to taste)

· Salt and pepper to taste

In large saucepan, brown ground turkey in olive oil. Spoon out any excess fat. Add onion, garlic, and pepper, and sauté until veggies are soft, about 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Can be served immediately (although leftovers are great, too). Serve with hot sauce to taste. Serves 4.

Preparation Time: 15 to 20 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesFat TotalCarbsFiberProtein

296  9 g24 g7 g33 g

P90X Stuffed Peppers

This recipe is always a crowd-pleaser, presentation-wise. It can also be made with ground turkey or vegetarian burger crumbles. As a time-saver, many stores now carry prepared brown rice, which saves a lot of cleanup as well. Stuffed peppers freeze well, too, so this is a good recipe to supersize for future meals.

· 1 lb. ground beef, extra-lean (less than 5 percent fat)

· 1 cup brown rice, cooked

· 2 cups tomato sauce

· 1 cup onion, chopped

· 1 egg, beaten

· 1/4 tsp. garlic powder

· 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

· 6 green bell peppers

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut tops off peppers and remove seeds and membranes. Mix first seven ingredients and stuff mixture into the bell peppers. Bake for 1 hour and serve! Serves 6 (although they're pretty low-cal—you could eat two easily).

Preparation Time: 10 minutes (more, if cooking rice from scratch)

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesFat TotalCarbsFiberProtein

208  5 g23 g6 g19 g

P90X Shrimp Stir-Fry

Stir-frying is fast, easy, and a great way to use up vegetables that might not make it to the end of the week. Four cups of veggies to a pound of shrimp is a pretty good ratio—although you can always add more veggies.

· 1 lb. raw shrimp, peeled

· 1 Tbsp. ginger root, minced

· 2 cloves garlic, minced

· 2 tsp. sesame oil

· 3 to 4 Tbsp. chicken or vegetable broth

· 4 cups mixed vegetables (broccoli, peppers, carrots, celery, etc.)

· 1 bunch scallions, chopped

· 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper

· 2 Tbsp. soy sauce

· 2 cups brown rice, cooked

Sauté ginger and garlic in sesame oil until soft. Add shrimp and cook about 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the size of the shrimp. Set shrimp aside. Add broth, veggies, scallions, cayenne pepper, and soy sauce to pan and sauté until veggies reach desired softness (I like mine a little crunchy). Use enough broth so the veggies don't burn, but not enough to make soup. Toss the shrimp back in, mix together, and serve over rice. Serves 4.

Preparation Time: 15 to 20 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesFat TotalCarbsFiberProtein

303   5 g36 g9 g31 g

P90X Oven-Poached (or Dishwasher) Salmon

This is a great recipe to make with little to no cleanup involved. By placing foil-wrapped packet in oven, you can skip the pot- or pan-cleaning that can make cooking such a hassle. However, if you don't have access to an oven (say, at work), you can actually make this in a dishwasher. The dishwasher method is less environmentally friendly, but much more amusing. Please keep in mind, though, that it's a pretty big waste of water, so try to dishwasher-cook more than one serving at a time to help justify the carbon footprint. (Note: For dishwasher method, DO NOT USE SOAP!)

· 1 6-oz. salmon fillet or steak

· 1 Tbsp. chopped dill

· Juice of one lemon

· 2 Tbsp. dry white wine

· 2 Tbsp. chopped scallions

· Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Get a big enough piece of foil (about 12 square inches) to hold the fillet as well as the other ingredients when folded. You might consider doubling the foil to prevent leakage. Put foil salmon packet in broiler and cook for 15 minutes or until salmon is pink all the way through. (If using the more controversial dishwasher method, cook for one wash and dry cycle, and we can't stress enough, NO SOAP!) Serves 1.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesFat TotalCarbsFiberProtein

344  14 g1 g1 g22 g

P90X 10-Minute Recipe: Asian Beef Salad

Want a taste of the Orient without all the fatty, sugary, salty sauces so many takeout places dish up? Here's a quick and easy recipe balanced in protein and carbs. Chopsticks are optional.

2 oz. lean sirloin steak, grilled or broiled

1/4 cup cilantro leaves (or mint, if you prefer)

1/4 cup red bell pepper, finely sliced

1/4 cup carrot, shredded

1 cup baby greens

1 scallion, sliced on an angle

1/4 lime

1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1/2 cup low-sodium soy sauce

Salt and pepper to taste

After grilling or broiling, thinly slice steak against the grain. Place first six ingredients in a bowl. Squeeze lime over salad, then drizzle with olive oil and soy sauce. Gently toss to mix and coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serves 1.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving): 8 to 10 minutes

CaloriesProteinFiberCarbsFat TotalSaturated Fat

252 14 g3.4 g13 g17 g3 g

P90X 10-Minute Recipe: Seared Ahi Tuna

Skip the expensive seafood restaurant and its fattening sauces and sides. This quick and easy gourmet treat will load you up with a whopping 50 grams of protein, almost no carbs, and only a little fat (and healthy fat at that). This recipe is delicious hot off the grill or chilled for a salad or sandwich

· 6 oz. ahi tuna

· 2 tsp. Asian five-spice seasoning

· 1 tsp. grill seasoning

· Cooking spray

Spray a grill pan or outdoor grill with cooking spray and preheat on high heat. Coat the tuna with combined seasonings. Sear tuna 2 minutes on each side, then remove from heat.

Serving suggestion: Slice tuna on an angle and serve over mixed greens that are dressed simply with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 4 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesProteinFiberCarbsFat TotalSaturated Fat

236 50 g0 g< 1 g3 g0 g

P90X Chicken and White Bean Soup

Here's a classic Tuscan comfort food that's full of protein, fiber, and flavor, but low in fat. It's the perfect food to warm you up on a cold winter night.

· 4 cups roasted chicken meat, skinless, shredded

· 1 can cannellini (white kidney) beans, rinsed

· 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

· 2 leeks, cut into 1/4-inch rounds (white and light green parts only)

· 1 Tbsp. fresh sage, chopped (or 1/4 tsp. dried)

· 3 cups chicken broth, low-sodium

· 2 cups water

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add leeks and cook, stirring often, until soft, about 3 minutes. Stir in sage and continue cooking until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Stir in broth and water, increase to high heat, cover, and bring to a boil. Add beans and chicken and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until heated through, about 3 minutes. Serve hot. Makes 8 servings. Click here to get more great healthy recipes when you sign up for Team Beachbody®.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

CaloriesProteinFiberCarbsFat TotalSaturated Fat

231  26 g3 g15 g7 g2 g

P90X Black Bean Brownies

Well, if you didn't stop reading this article after the Chocolate Avocado Mousse recipe, you may be adventurous enough to try this recipe. This is super-easy to make and very delicious. For Christmas one year, my mother found a box of brownie mix of indeterminate origin in her pantry, and we decided to experiment with something we saw on one of the morning shows. Basically, instead of adding eggs and oil to the mix as directed on the box, you food-process a can of black beans (unseasoned, of course) and 1/4 cup of water. Add the mix and bake according to the directions on the box, and voilà, delicious chewy brownies with more fiber than fat. In fact, we even served them to my finicky nephews, who declared them edible, until my mom revealed the secret ingredient and ruined Christmas.

1. 1 15-oz. can unseasoned black beans, drained and rinsed

2. 1/4 cup water

3. 1 package brownie mix (12 to 14 oz.—we recommend a healthy one with whole-grain ingredients)

Puree beans and water in food processor or blender. Add beans to brownie mix and bake according to package instructions. Don't add any other ingredients. Serves 16.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes plus baking time

Nutritional Information (per serving; varies depending on brownie mix used):

CaloriesFat TotalCarbsFiberProtein

80     3 g8 g2 g5 g

P90X Shrimp Scampi

Who says you can't live it up while eating healthy food? This fine-dining favorite cuts out the fat and amps up the flavor for a garlicky, peppery treat that will make you forget about all the butter and bread crumbs this recipe typically contains. Buon appetito!

1/2 lb. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined

2 Tbsp. olive oil

1 Tbsp. yellow pepper, minced

1 Tbsp. sweet red pepper, minced

1 tsp. crushed garlic

1 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped

1 Tbsp. sweet basil, chopped

Dry, crushed red pepper to taste (optional)

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp. white wine

Fresh ground pepper to taste

In a large nonstick sauté pan, heat olive oil. Add yellow pepper, sweet red pepper, garlic, parsley, basil, and crushed red pepper (optional). Sauté until vegetables are glossy and tender, then add shrimp and sauté until they curl and turn pink. Add lemon juice, white wine, and fresh ground pepper. Reduce heat and let simmer for about 15 minutes or until juices evaporate or thicken. Serve as is or over a bed of angel hair pasta. (Serving with pasta will change nutritional information.) Serves 2.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 300Protein: 30 g

Fiber: 0 gCarbs: 6 g

Fat Total: 16 gSaturated Fat: 3 g

P90X 10-Minute Recipe: Tasty Orange Chicken

Who needs a panda deep-frying a healthy serving of lean chicken in enough batter and syrupy sauce to make you forget that chicken was ever involved? Instead, try out this simple and delicious high-protein recipe that substitutes flavor for fat, sugar, and salt. Your taste buds—and your waistline—will thank you.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 Tbsp. honey

1 Tbsp. orange juice

1 Tbsp. ground cumin

1 Tbsp. garlic, minced

Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to broil. Mix honey, orange juice, cumin, garlic, salt, and pepper. Coat chicken breasts with mixture. Set some mixture aside. Broil chicken about 4 minutes per side, brushing twice with remaining mixture. Makes 4 servings.

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 120Protein: 17 g

Fiber: 0 gCarbs: 10 g

Fat Total: 1 gSaturated Fat: 0 g

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I did WHAT?

I woke up Saturday morning feeling less than stellar...but I had a date.
A date with my 2 best running buddies, Judy and Maggie, we were heading to run the Ashland Railroad 10k.
Trust me, I had considered cancelling, but I hate to let anyone down, so I was ready and waiting in my driveway at 6:15am for Judy to pick me up.
We had a quick ride up and A LOT of time to spare but we can always fill that with chit chat and laughter.
Judy and I went and picked up all 3 packets and we walked back to the car to wait for Maggie.
It was a little chilly but I had my neon gloves.
Oh, have I told you that my new favorite color for running clothes is that super bright neon snot yellow?
I digress..anyhoo, we finally mustered ourselves out of our vehicles and headed towards the start.
Maggie and Judy both ran into friends, we made the potty stop and then headed towards the start.
I noticed that my right foot was completely numb (Newton's are thin on cold ground) and I could only feel my big toe in my left foot.
Judy had planned on starting with Laura and Maggie and I were going to run together.
I told her at the start that I was really hurting and not to wait for me once we got going.
I had a rough week of doubles, a bad fall and hadn't slept well the last 2 nights, but I was prepared to suck it up.
I started out fast and then realized I wanted to run but my body wasn't cooperating, I told Maggie to go and I settled in where I felt okay. By okay I mean, every step was effort but it wasn't killing me. Hit the first mile mark and I knew I was going to have to cheer myself thru this race. So I pulled out my mantra's and watched Maggie up ahead.
I will cut out all the middle and tell you this...the last 3 miles consisted of running one 1.5 mile loop twice - I hate running the same place twice BUT it was good to get to lap a few folks and use that as a bit of drive to get thru it.
Final stretch, 6 mile marker...only .2 miles to go and I DUG IN!
Seriously I thought to myself "run, run hard, run until you throw up!"
I didn't throw up but I finished in 49:25 which worked out to be a 7:58 minute mile, a race PR for me.
Although I knew I could have done better had I felt well, I decided not to act disappointed even though I was.
Maggie had to leave quick and so Judy and I decided to hang out for door prizes and to see if Maggie placed.
We got a bagel and visited the petting zoo, then headed to the stage for the door prizes.
Maggie did win a tshirt and bag and Judy and I got squat...
An hour after we finished, still no results...
An hour and a half after we finished, still no results...
Apparently there was a printing issue and well, I had things to do and so did Judy, so we agreed to bail.
Home I went, no door prize and a bit disappointed with my race.
(Sulk, sulk, sulk)
BUT the day took an amazing turn around when Judy called around 2:30pm to tell me I had placed...
I placed 2nd in my Age Group!
I have never placed before...and on the day they had issues and I had to leave before getting my moment on the "podium" (okay, it was a small stage but none the less)...
I was elated! I ran out to tell Hubs and called Mom and Dad.
I love that I am 42 years old and still want to call my Mom and Dad and share good news. :-)
Anyway, that's it, that's all I got, I finally placed in a race and was so happy I did...oh, and I beat a guy I work with by 3 minutes, which is totally a bit of extra icing on the proverbial cake!
Thanks for listening!
Run safe, run happy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6 Great Recipes = Sharing some recipes!

All from

Enjoy! I have tried them all...they all get a thumbs up!

Dilled Salmon Salad

Tempt yourself with a salmon and veggie salad for two. Fat-free ingredients make the dressing extra enticing. From eatbetteramerica.
Prep Time:15 min
Start to Finish:2 hr 25 min
makes:2 servings

1/2lb salmon steak
2cups Progresso® reduced-sodium chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
1 small zucchini, sliced (1 cup)
1/4cup sliced radishes
2 tablespoons fat-free mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 tablespoons Yoplait® Fat Free plain yogurt (from 2-lb container)
2tablespoons fat-free ranch dressing
1teaspoon chopped fresh or 1/4 teaspoon dried dill weed
3cups bite-size pieces spinach or other salad greens

1.In 10-inch skillet, heat fish and broth to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer uncovered 5 to 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily with fork. Remove fish to platter. When fish is cool enough to handle, break into bite-size pieces, discarding skin and bones.

2.In large bowl, mix fish, zucchini and radishes. In small bowl, mix mayonnaise, yogurt, ranch dressing and dill weed; fold into fish mixture. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.

3.To serve, toss fish mixture and spinach.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 240 (Calories from Fat 70); Total Fat 8g (Saturated Fat 2 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 75mg; Sodium 920mg; Total Carbohydrate 12g (Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 4g); Protein 30g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 90%; Vitamin C 25%; Calcium 15%; Iron 15% Exchanges: 0 Other Carbohydrate; 2 Vegetable; 3 1/2 Very Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 1

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Bourbon-Glazed Beef Kabobs

Try this beef kabob recipe from eatbetteramerica.
Prep Time:25 min
Start to Finish:25 min
makes:2 servings

2tablespoons bourbon or water
1tablespoon teriyaki baste and glaze (from 12-oz bottle)
1tablespoon frozen (thawed) orange juice concentrate
1/4cup packed brown sugar
Dash of crushed red pepper flakes


1/2lb beef boneless top sirloin, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes
8pieces (1 1/2-inch) red onion
8fresh whole mushrooms
8pieces (1 1/2-inch) red bell pepper
1teaspoon olive or vegetable oil
1/4teaspoon salt

1.Heat gas or charcoal grill. In 1-quart saucepan, mix 1 tablespoon of the bourbon, the teriyaki glaze, orange juice concentrate, brown sugar and crushed red pepper. Heat to boiling over medium heat; reduce heat to low. Simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally; remove from heat. Stir in remaining 1 tablespoon bourbon. Reserve 2 tablespoons glaze.

2.In medium bowl, place beef, onion, mushrooms and bell pepper. Drizzle with oil; toss to coat. Sprinkle with salt; toss to coat. On each of two 10- to 12-inch metal skewers, thread beef, onion, mushrooms and bell pepper alternately, leaving 1/4-inch space between each piece.

3.Cover and grill kabobs over medium heat 9 to 11 minutes, turning once and brushing with glaze during last 3 minutes, until beef is desired doneness and vegetables are tender.

4.Just before serving, generously brush kabobs with reserved 2 tablespoons glaze.

High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): No change.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 350 (Calories from Fat 60); Total Fat 6g (Saturated Fat 1 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 60mg; Sodium 560mg; Total Carbohydrate 50g (Dietary Fiber 4g, Sugars 43g); Protein 27g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 70%; Vitamin C 110%; Calcium 8%; Iron 25% Exchanges: 2 1/2 Other Carbohydrate; 2 Vegetable; 3 1/2 Very Lean Meat; 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 3

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Salmon and Asparagus Salad

Maple syrup and Dijon mustard are the secret to fabulously flavored salmon and asparagus salad. Bring the flavors of the sea and earth to the table with this fabulous entrée! From eatbetteramerica.
Prep Time:30 min
Start to Finish:30 min
makes:4 servings

Maple-Dijon Dressing
1/3cup maple-flavored syrup
2tablespoons Dijon mustard
1tablespoon olive or vegetable oil

1 lb salmon fillet (1/2 inch thick)
1 lb fresh asparagus spears
4 cups baby salad greens
1cup shredded carrots (about 1 1/2 medium)
1hard-cooked egg, cut into 8 wedges
Freshly ground black pepper, if desired

1.Heat gas or charcoal grill.

2.In small bowl, mix all Maple-Dijon Dressing ingredients with wire whisk.

3.Cut salmon crosswise into 4 pieces. Brush salmon with 1 tablespoon of the dressing. In large bowl, toss asparagus and 1 tablespoon of the dressing. Place asparagus in grill basket (grill “wok”).

4.When grill is heated, place asparagus and salmon, skin side down, on gas grill over medium heat or on charcoal grill over medium coals; cover grill. Cook asparagus 7 to 10 minutes and salmon 10 to 15 minutes, shaking grill basket or turning asparagus occasionally, until asparagus is crisp-tender and salmon flakes easily with fork.

5.Slide pancake turner between salmon and skin to remove each piece from skin. On 4 plates, divide salad greens, carrots and egg. Top with salmon and asparagus. Sprinkle with pepper. Serve with remaining dressing.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 330 (Calories from Fat 110); Total Fat 12g (Saturated Fat 3g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 130mg; Sodium 330mg; Total Carbohydrate 27g (Dietary Fiber 3g, Sugars 13g); Protein 28g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 160%; Vitamin C 30%; Calcium 8%; Iron 15% Exchanges: 1 1/2 Other Carbohydrate; 1 Vegetable; 3 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Shrimp Paella Salad

You've netted a great dinner salad that can be on the table in less than 30 minutes! From eatbetteramerica.
Prep Time:20 min
Start to Finish:20 min
makes:4 servings

2slices bacon, cut up
1clove garlic, finely chopped
2cups cooked rice
1cup Green Giant® Valley Fresh Steamers™ frozen sweet peas, cooked and drained
1/3cup chopped drained roasted red bell peppers (from 7-oz jar)
2tablespoons lemon juice
1/4teaspoon paprika
4to 6 drops red pepper sauce
1 package (12 oz) frozen cooked peeled and deveined shrimp, thawed and drained
Lettuce leaves

1.In 12-inch skillet, cook bacon over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp. Drain fat, reserving 2 teaspoons in skillet. Drain bacon on paper towel.

2.Cook garlic in bacon fat in skillet over medium heat about 1 minute, stirring occasionally, until softened. Stir in bacon and remaining ingredients except lettuce.

3.Serve shrimp mixture on lettuce. Sprinkle with additional paprika if desired.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 230 (Calories from Fat 25); Total Fat 3g (Saturated Fat 1g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 170mg; Sodium 610mg; Total Carbohydrate 29g (Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 3g); Protein 23g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 40%; Vitamin C 25%; Calcium 6%; Iron 25% Exchanges: 1 Starch; 1 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 3 Very Lean Meat Carbohydrate Choices: 2

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Zesty Pork Tenderloin

Hoisin sauce, often referred to as "Chinese barbecue sauce," fuels an explosion of flavor from soy sauce, garlic, chili peppers and various spices. Get it in the Asian foods aisle. From eatbetteramerica.

Prep Time:5 min
Start to Finish:1 hr 35 min
makes:6 servings

1/4cup ketchup
1tablespoon sugar
1tablespoon dry white wine or water
1tablespoon hoisin sauce
1clove garlic, finely chopped
2small pork tenderloins (1 1/2 lb)

1.In heavy-duty resealable food-storage plastic bag, mix all ingredients except pork. Add pork, turning to coat with marinade. Seal bag; refrigerate at least 1 hour but no longer than 24 hours to marinate.

2.Heat oven to 425°F. Remove pork from marinade; discard marinade. Place pork on rack in shallow roasting pan. Roast uncovered 27 to 29 minutes or until pork has slight blush of pink in center and meat thermometer inserted in center reads 160°F.

Nutritional Information

1 Serving: Calories 150 (Calories from Fat 40); Total Fat 4 1/2g (Saturated Fat 1 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 70mg; Sodium 90mg; Total Carbohydrate 2g (Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 1g); Protein 26g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 0%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 0%; Iron 8% Exchanges: 0 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Vegetable; 3 1/2 Very Lean Meat; 1/2 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 0

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Healthified Crispy Baked Chicken Nuggets

92% less fat • 73% less sodium than the original recipe—see the comparison. If fast food or frozen chicken nuggets are your go-to food for busy nights, switch to this feel-good version. They only take 30 minutes total and are amazingly low in fat and calories!

Prep Time:20 min
Start to Finish:30 min
Makes:4 servings

1 cup crushed Wheaties® cereal
1teaspoon paprika
1/2teaspoon garlic powder
1/2teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
1/8teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
1egg white
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces

1.Preheat oven to 450°F. In a resealable plastic bag, combine crushed cereal, paprika, garlic powder, oregano, and, if desired, cayenne pepper. In a small bowl, beat egg white with a fork.

2.Dip chicken pieces into egg white, allowing excess to drip off. Add chicken pieces, a few at a time, to cereal mixture in bag; shake to coat well.

3.Place chicken pieces in a single layer in an ungreased shallow baking pan. Bake for 7 to 9 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink (170°F).

Nutritional Information

5 or 6 chicken nuggets: Calories 160 (Calories from Fat 20); Total Fat 2g (Saturated Fat 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 65mg; Sodium 140mg; Total Carbohydrate 7g (Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 1


Monday, April 5, 2010

The Easter Bunny ROCKS!

Let me first tell you how disappointed I was to rise on Easter morning to no Easter Peeps (my favorite) and no chocolate (my second favorite).
How could that Bunny miss my house...of all houses? Sheesh!
Okay, so I pouted...I admit it.
I posted on FaceBook, I moaned and complained...
Then my Hubs came home that afternoon and told me he had a surprise for me!
What? A surprise??? For me???
Impatiently I waited...
Then he told me - the Bunny wanted to leave my Easter basket in the a.m., but then Hubs wouldn't be there to see my reaction!
There it "Easter basket"...a bright yellow bag, full of tissue paper!
A sweet card...aww...let's get to it!
Peeps! SCORE!
More Peeps...SCORE!
Cadbury SCORE!
and what? there is more?
There it was...(cue dramatic music)...
It couldn't be...he listened? He heard my whining and hoping for the waterproof iPod headset?
I couldn't believe it!
I can swim with music!
Not only that,
but required for the headset is the 3rd Generation Shuffle...
Yes, the one iPod we don't own in this house.

Well, here is the whole gift...
The headset, the Shuffle and a gift card to buy music!
I am so excited to go swimming Wednesday night, I just
hope I don't boogie my way out of the pool!
Run safe, run happy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thoughts on the upcoming year...

So as I was trolling around West Creek this morning, enjoying a ride with friends, my mind did some wandering...
I wonder what this year is going to bring me.
I had a discussion with JR last night about Marathon season and if a BQ is something I want?
I spoke yesterday with the Hub about another HalfIron and 50 Miler this year?
During my Saturday morning run, Maggie and I spoke about "just running and loving the run, not the clock"...
Then, today at the meet before the ride, Lady Em dropped the bomb..."how's your swimming coming?"
So now it is time, it's all right in front of me and I have to start making some choices.
Here's where I am right now...
I know I will be coaching MTT Pink Nation on Sunday mornings again this year...
I know I will keep coaching on Saturdays for Keep It Movin'...
Tuesday and Thursday am's are my weekday runs...
I know that Tri Season is a must for me, so that means 2-3 times a week on the bike in the evenings as well as the MUCH needed 2-3 times a week in the pool, some mornings and some nights...
I have committed to June 2011 North Face 50 Miler with Judy, Maggie and Jill but the thought of November 2010 at JFK again is tickling the back of my brain.
Marine Corps Marathon is already set, I am in.
A BQ hasn't been a thought of mine for over 2 years and I have been fine with that.
So what if I just train for my best runs and see what happens? I don't think a 3:50 is in the cards for me and I am okay with that.
I am fortunate enough to have some really strong training partners. Maggie and Judy are vicious runners and great at pushing me when I need it.
Lady Em is a beast on the bike and I look forward to following her around the tri-city area again this year.
The pool..the pool still depresses me - let me use a similar analogy a friend used this morning - when I get in the pool with others, it's like running a run with a BQ runner while I am only a 12 minute miler.
Again, UGH!
So, it's safe to say that my athletic season for 2010 is a little up in the air.
Hopefully soon the dust will settle and my focuses will become a bit clearer, but until then, if you can just keep cheering me on please...
"Patience, persistence, perseverance"...
Run safe, run happy!