Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Okay, it's here...and it's Mighty BIG Bite!

My new training schedule/cycle for my fall marathon.
I decided after reading T's plan @ "racingwithbabes", that I was in...if she would be so kind to share (which she was) and so I figured I had nothing to lose.
In the past, when my coaching for MTT started in June, I was on a Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday run schedule.
Along with my weekly cross-training, I would squeeze in short runs and/or bikes along with swimming (which I hate) when I could.
So, this new plan totally changes things.
I have committed to 5 runs a weeks, a big step up BUT lower miles, shorter long runs, tempos and speed work.
Admittedly, I am somewhat nervous with change involved.
But, in all honesty, I CAN finish a marathon, I am NOT trying for a BQ and I have support, so why not?
I have cross-training Monday, Wednesday and Friday am, a standing "date" of cycle with G @ nofsahmof3 once a week, and unfortunately, I will begin SWIMMING this weekend.
You see, the other side of this is...not only will I be coaching Novice Marathoners for 95% of my training cycle BUT I also have 4 Triathlons, a half marathon and various other race commitments during this time.
I worried a bit what my husband would say when he "remembered" I had a new plan, but tonight I got the sweetest text.
I ran this morning and cycled with G at lunch and knew I had my first speed work session tonight, which would delay dinner a bit. I cringed as I texted the reminder to Bob but his reply made me feel so good...and I quote "I am proud of how well you take care of yourself baby."
This was where I let out my SIGH of relief.
Okay, so it's here. One day is done. 3 workouts complete.
I can DO THIS!
Hell or high water, I can do this.
Giddy up!

1 comment:

  1. I love our lunch dates and the "lights will be shining" WHENEVER you want to spin at lunch!
